Chapter 12

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There wasn't much to do today. I had gotten the hang of cleaning and was much faster with my work that I finish around 5 in the evening. Vladimir and his demands weren't that horrible anymore now that I knew how he wanted things. during this week Ivan and I had gotten really close. he'd make me eat lunch and breakfast with him as he talked about different styles of cooking. there were times I liked listening to him and other times where I really didn't care. we started my cooking lessons two days ago.

Ivan: today I'm going to teach you how to make a Vietnamese pancakes

Shawn: pancakes? for lunch?

Ivan: it isn't really a pancake, it's like a crape filled with vegetables and chicken. it's a savory dish.

Shawn: that sounds yummy. ok!

Ivan: we need onions, carrots, green peppers, lettuce and mushrooms

Shawn: on it.

I pulled out what he asked for and washed them while he got the stove going. he was working with the flour, coconut milk and turmeric powder.

Ivan: chop the vegetables thin and evenly.

Shawn: I'll try.

Ivan then pulled out the chicken from the fridge to thaw it before cutting it up. I slowly cut into the carrots. Ivan looked over at what I was doing and scrunched up his face.

Ivan: that's not how you do it.

Shawn: oh-

Ivan: here let me show you.

Ivan came from behind me, taking the knife out of my hand. he sort of had me pinned to the kitchen counter. I could feel his chest slightly touching my back. he made me grasp the knife and he took my hand in his. he waited a moment before chopping. he was trying to find a middle way to teach without feeling his space was being invaded.

Ivan: ok now see and feel the movement of my hand and wrist. cut thin and diagonally.

I was so proud of him. he didn't like being this close yet he was doing so well. I had a huge smile on my face. from ear to ear! he let go and asked me to cut, he didn't move away. he still remained close to me.

(Small smile) Ivan: very nice.

Shawn: really?!

I turned my body slightly so I could look up at him. he gave me a nod of approval and a small smile.

Vladimir: what the hell?

Our attention fell to Vladimir who entered the kitchen with an apple in his mouth. he looked shocked seeing the two of us. both Ivan and I felt a bit conscious of ourselves and made distance between us fast. Vlad kept looking at Ivan weirdly.

Shawn: hey Vlad. did you need something?

Vladimir: uh, well, I came down to get some orange juice

Shawn: oh, ok I'll get that.

Vladimir: what were you... and Ivan... doing?

Ivan: I'm teaching Shawn how to make Vietnamese pancakes.

Vladimir: why?

Ivan: because he wanted to learn and I love teaching.

Vladimir: oookayy....

he was still weirded out by the fact Ivan and I were so close and it looked like we were kissing from his point of view.

Ivan: do you want to learn too?

Vladimir: n-no I'm good. I'm working on my second song.

my eyes had that glint of happiness that Vlad seemed to catch.

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