Chapter 2

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Assistant: congratulations to those who passed. you will undergo a background check and medical fitness. if there are any criminal charges in your records or any severe medical illnesses then you will not receive a call from the Drac household. you can expect a call from us within 24 hours.

oh no...a medical exam? this is bad!

Assistant: have your primary physician send us your details via email.

we were allowed to leave the Drac mansion. how in the world was I going to get through this obstacle? a medical exam and background check?! I rushed over to my bicycle and unlocked it. my cycle was parked at a nearby park. I hopped on and rode as fast as I could to the police station. the police station was 20 minutes away from the Drac mansion, I parked my cycle near a police car with no license plate. I burst through the doors rushing towards the special forces' unit. a police officer stopped me from proceeding any further.

Officer: excuse me how may I help you?

Shawn: I'm looking for detective ranger.

officer: he's in a briefing at the moment. can I be of some help instead?

Shawn: I'll wait for him then.

the officer nodded at said that he would inform me when detective ranger was out from his briefing. I waited patiently on the wooden bench outside his enclosed cabin. my only hope was detective ranger, surely, he knew a way to help me get through this. I fiddled with my fingers to pass the time. I heard his booming laugh down the hall, and I stood up to my feet! he had a few files in his right arm and a cup of coffee he was holding in his left hand. his detective badge swung back and forth across his neck as he walked with a slight hop in his step. he must be happy about something if he's walking like that. his brown eyes began to dilate when he saw me, his smile turned into terror.

Shawn: tum-tum!!!

detective ranger or as I liked to call him tum-tum handed his coffee to a fellow officer and the files to the other. he ran in the other direction and I chased after him.

Shawn: tum-tum stoooopppp!

(run) ranger: what the hell are you doing here?!

Shawn: tum-tum I need your help!

Ranger: that's what I was afraid of.

I picked up my pace as he tried to lose me by turning corners, he bumped into a few people while running and they knew that this was normal for him. his blonde hair bounced as he ran. I pounced onto his back when I was close enough.

(happy) Shawn: tum-tum caught you!

Ranger: God, please save me...

ultimately, I piggy backed all the way back to his cabin, inside his cabin I hopped off and he straighten his clothing and badge. he took a seat behind his desk and turned on his computer. I took a seat in front of him as he purposely ignored me.

Shawn: tum-tum....

Ranger: based on your facial expressions, they found out who you really are and pressing charges.

Shawn: no, I actually got accepted.

He stopped typing as he stared at me with newfound amazement. I blushed as I smiled.

Ranger: wait, you're meaning to tell me your idea-your-your stupid disguise worked?!

I nodded excitedly as his jaw dropped. I fiddled with the back of my wig before it fully came off. my long wavy black hair came falling like a waterfall. I combed through my hair with my fingers.

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