Chapter 23

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Dilan's point of view

I was up on the main deck watching the night sky. I didn't see any stars out, but the moon was full and pale. Ivan had a sudden urge to research Pilipino delicacies and disappeared without a word back into his room. there's no stopping him when he gets into one of his moods. I leaned against the railing and looked down. I couldn't see anything, but the ocean breeze smelt like salt and shit mixed together. it gave me a headache but to be out on the deck in the night gave me a sense of peace as well.

Shawn: hey. out here by yourself?

(Smile) Dilan: not anymore.

Shawn: I got you another Icey hot patch to put on your back.

Dilan: thanks.

I raised the back of my tee so that she could apply the patch. Her cold hands gently press the patch onto my back.

Dilan: your hands are cold.

Shawn: yeah, it's a little chilly tonight. I'll get us our jackets.

I held on to her hand and pulled her into a hug.

Dilan: that's not needed. we can keep each other warm.

Shawn: normally I would find that cute and romantic, but hearing it come from you just makes me uncomfortable.

I start laughing. damn Vlad is so slow, any other dude would have tried to get with her by now. I don't know what he's waiting for. anybody can clearly tell that she isn't a boy. I've had my suspicions about her before, but it all made sense after I got to know the truth. she faced the sea and closed her eyes letting the breeze hit her face. I stood next to her watching her do the iconic titanic pose. I began chuckling. I got a text from Ivan.

(Text) Ivan: brother, Serena and I are heading up to the deck is Sharon with you?

(Text) Dilan: yeah, should we make him jealous?

(Text) Ivan: yes. I'll handle Serena.

Alright then, time to put my acting skills to the test.

Dilan: it's ironic, isn't it? your last name is rose.

(smile) Shawn: all I'm missing is my jack.

Dilan: that can be arranged.

I squished her between my body and the railing. we both held out our arms together just like the scene from the movie. I pulled out my phone to take a selfie. I saw from the corner of my screen that Vlad was standing a bit away from us. he was standing behind a door. this is going to be my final performance, if I don't get an Oscar for this then I'll give up on acting. after taking the selfie I pull Sharon to the middle of the deck.

Dilan: wanna dance?

Shawn: but there's no music.

I play an imaginary piano and she begins to smile.

Shawn: this was from that one drama you did overseas.

Dilan: you've seen it?

Shawn: no, but my friends go on about it.

Dilan: let's dance.

(Both dancing with no music) Shawn: right as your dancing with the girl you love her twin sister fiancé jumps you

(impressed) Dilan: are you sure you haven't seen my show?

Shawn: positive. the girls I hang with would literally murder for you if you asked them to.

(Smile) Dilan: wow, I have such a strong fan follow.

Shawn: creepy is more like it. it's your charming smile that makes girls weak kneed.

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