Chapter 5

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I got a text message from tum-tum asking if everything was ok. I didn't dare mention about the tea pot incident, so I lied saying that all was good. there was a total of 30 rooms on the ground floor and 20 more upstairs... I only finished up five rooms so far... I had to do this every day?! I had my work cut out for me. I wonder if kai has finished up with his 15 rooms yet. as I was about to go into my sixth room, I heard the door to the study unlock. out came Daniel with toby in hand. I studied his face to see if everything was alright, he kept things professional, so I didn't know how he'd be feeling. then came Ronin and Vladimir in the end, Vladimir looked bored and slightly irritated. I rolled the vacuum into the room and continued to focus on my cleaning.

Assistant: rose!

startled with the sudden calling of my name I almost dropped the vacuum. I turned to see ronin motioning me to come over to them. I started fidgeting with my fingers as I walked slowly.

Assistant: hurry up now!

I quickened my pace until I was almost a few feet away from them. I made no eye contact with Vladimir, but I knew he was staring right at me. I only looked at ronin when I spoke.

Shawn: yes?

Assistant: how is your hand?

Shawn: it's doing better sir.

Daniel: I wanted to thank you, for saving my son.

(smile) Shawn: is toby feeling better now?

toby smiled at me and I booped his nose, he was squirming in his father's hands trying to reach out to me. Daniel hesitated at first, but when I willingly stretched out my hands to hold toby he smiled and gave him to me. I tickled his belly and he began to laugh. I loved kids, I could proudly say that I could capture the heart of any kid. I stopped playing with toby when I heard Vladimir clear his throat. I quickly handed toby back to Mr. Daniel.

Daniel: I should be going now. I'll be back in a week or two to discuss the further arrangements.

as Mr. Daniel headed towards the door, I turned back to the direction of the room I was working on.

(Shawn takes a step) Vladimir: hold it right there!

I stop. I turn to face him. show no signs of fear, even if my heart is about to beat out of my chest. Vladimir took a step closer to me and then he slowly started circling me.

Vladimir: you're the guy who squealed like a girl.

shit. I'm done for. he totally knows!

Vladimir: now that I take a closer look at you, you seem to resemble female characteristics more and more.

I clear my throat and slightly deepen it to seem more manly. I keep my feet spread apart to show that I wasn't frightened.

Shawn: what are you talking about man? don't you see my facial hair? I have a rock-hard chest and my guns will have any girl fall to her knees.

I flex my muscles as if to try and prove something. my facial hair did look real, but it wasn't, I used make up to create stubble on my jaw. as long as he didn't touch my face, I was good. I didn't let him get too close to my face while he inspected me.

Shawn: if there isn't anything else, I should get back to work.

Vladimir: I didn't say you could go.

I waited for him to finish speaking, but he wasn't saying anything for the longest time. I raised an eyebrow at him.

Vladimir: I hope you haven't forgotten who hired you and who's house your living in.

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