Chapter 15

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The second song came on and the romantic atmosphere of eric had changed to an upbeat swag of Bruno. I knew Dilan and Vlad were good dancers because they were performers, but Ivan surprised me the most! wow that boy can move!! there was a normal smile on his face too, he was relaxed that he had his own space to dance. the boys were in sync, which I didn't think was possible because Vlad barely came down for practice. the song came to an end and everyone cheered! the boys bowed before Vlad took the mic again.

Vladimir: hope you liked that little surprise mom and dad, because there is much more to come.

Dilan whispered something to a nearby waiter, 2 minutes later he came back with champagne for Mr. and Mrs. drake.

Vladimir: so, before the next surprise, let's have dinner. exactly at 8:30 I'll let you all in on the next event.

The crowd dispersed and the servants and waiters lead them to the buffet. Ivan made the announcement regarding the couples' favorite foods and what was on the menu. Dilan met up with me as soon as he could.

Dilan: great job Sharon!

Sharon: you three definitely stole the show.

Dilan: partly, many people have come up and asked me about you. if you and I are a couple.

Sharon: oh dear, what did you tell them?

Dilan: that we are friends and nothing more.

Relief washed over my face. I did not want to be known for dating a tv star! I wanted to remain out of the spotlight. now that Dilan mentioned it many guests did have their eyes on me. I mean that's obvious because I'm the new girl dancing with three hot and famous brothers.

Dilan: let's grab a bite to eat.

Ivan: Dilan, mother's calling us. she and father are sitting at table with your parents.

Dilan: yeah sure. let's go.

Sharon: woah woah woah.

Dilan: what?

Sharon: YOU go. I can manage to get dinner by myself.

Dilan: but-

Sharon: I can't sit with you and Ivan if you two are spending time with family.

Ivan nodded; he didn't like the idea of leaving me on my own but he agreed that it would not be appropriate to have me around family members. I smiled at both of them as they headed towards the dinner table. I turned to walk the other way when I almost crashed into Vlad.

Vladimir: oh hi! it's you.

He extended out his hand to shake and I accepted with a bright smile.

Sharon: it's nice to meet you Mr. drake.

Vladimir: please call me Drac. Mr. drake is my father. I'm not so established in life to go by that name just yet.

Sharon: oh no I think your amazing sir.

he tilted his head slightly.

(laugh) Vladimir: sorry I'm not used to sir either.

Sharon: alright. Mr. Drac it is.

Vladimir: charmed. what's your name?

Sharon: Sharon.

Vladimir: beautiful name for a beautiful lady.

Wow I was experiencing Vlad's flirtatious side for the first time. he wasn't necessarily flirting; he was working his charm.

Vladimir: I better not court you any further. Dilan wouldn't like it. excuse me, I better go check on my parents. it was nice meeting you Sharon. thanks for helping us out with the dance.

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