Chapter 16

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There was much less of a crowd by the time I came out of the bathroom. the atmosphere still seemed light and happy. I scanned the room for Ivan or Dilan but I didn't spot them. I wanted to get up to my room to change back to Shawn. mostly the crowd that remained seemed to be close family that stuck around Mrs. drake. I turned in the direction of the main door. I think it's best that I went home. if tum-tum asked why I was home I'd just make up some excuse. from a few feet away Vlad and I made eye contact... I averted my eyes and kept walking in his direction since the exit was in the direction as well. I would walk past him as if nothing had happened, but I wanted to ask about Mrs. drake. was she alright? was she still in a foul mood? it was rude to approach the host of the party if I wasn't giving a gift or a compliment. high society and it's weird rules... I noticed I kept my head down when there wasn't any reason for me to do so. it wasn't my fault and people know it. I raised my head and kept my eyes on the exit. Vlad came in my line of vision.

Vladimir: Sharon.

(confident) Sharon: yes?

Vladimir: Dilan is looking for you.

Sharon: oh.

Vladimir: he said he sent you a few texts but you didn't reply so he got worried.

Sharon: thank you Mr. Drac I'll inform him that I'm alright.

I don't know why, but I was really agitated with being around Vlad. I know I was trying to act confident and unphased but his behavior was yuck!

Vladimir: are you leaving?

Sharon: yes.

Vladimir: shouldn't you at least meet Dilan before going?

Sharon: it's fine. he has family and guest to attend to.

Vladimir studied me silently.

Sharon: I hope Mrs. drake is okay now?

Vladimir: she's... managing.

Without a word I walk past him. suddenly I felt him grab my wrist. my heart started pounding against my rib cage! was he trying to stop me? was he going to apologize for how he acted with me? I turned around to see it wasn't Vlad that was holding my wrist, it was Dilan. Vlad was there watching the two of us.

Dilan: there you are!

Sharon: hey.

Dilan: where were you? didn't you get my texts?

Sharon: I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to my phone.

Dilan: were you going to leave without saying anything?

Sharon: how's Ivan? his cake... and Mrs. drake is she alright?

Vladimir: I just told you she is fine. why are you asking my cousin again?

I ignored Vlad.

Dilan: stop changing the topic. everyone is alright. Ivan and aunty will be fine by tomorrow.

Sharon: ok.

Dilan: I'll take you home.

Sharon: no, you are needed here. help hold down the fort.

Vladimir: why are you talking as if you know what's going on? dil how much have you told her about us?

Sharon: Mr. Drac, I do not know anything but I do have common sense. this is a very important event for your family so it's obvious all members of the family are needed to be present.

I was practically hissing at him. Dilan sensed the hostility in my tone.

Dilan: uncle was asking about you.

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