Chapter 22

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I woke up to my morning alarm. I reached for my phone that was on the nightstand, but I kept grabbing flesh. I heard a moan and rustling of my bed.

(sleepy) Shawn: wha?

I opened my eyes to see Vlad was sleeping in bed with me. what happened? wasn't I giving him a head massage last night? I reached over him to turn off the alarm. his hand scooped around me and pulled me into a hug. oh no! this isn't going to look good when he wakes up! it's going to be worse if someone sees us like this! I wiggle my way out of his embrace.

Shawn: Vladimir wake up!

I push him as hard as I could off the bed. when that didn't work, I kicked him off my bed! he fell with a thud and panicked to get up, in doing so he tangled himself further in the blanket. I made sure my wig and beard were in place before he got a good look at me.

Vladimir: wha- what happened?

He sat up on the floor and yawned. I got up and headed towards the bathroom.

Vladimir: what are you doing in my room so early? what time is it?

Shawn: this isn't your room. it's mine.

Vlad looks around the room half asleep and realizes that it isn't his room. he slowly gets up and I run the sink to brush my teeth. he climbs back in bed and my jaw drops.

(Brushing) Shawn: what are you doing? get up!

(Yawn) Vladimir: five more minutes.

I finish brushing my teeth and go back to pull him off my bed. what a child!

(Pulls) Shawn: get up! you can't sleep here.

(Mumbles) Vladimir: why not?

He turns onto his back to face me.

Shawn: get out. I have to shower.

Vladimir: so, shower. why does that require me to leave.

Shawn: cuz it's my room!

Vladimir: it's my house though.

Shawn: Vlad, stop this nonsense.

(Sits up) Vladimir: alright alright. I'll leave.

He slowly climbs out of bed and stretches. he looks back at me as gives me a sleepy smile.

Vladimir: thanks for not being formal with me anymore.

(ignore) Shawn: and close the door on your way out.

I heard the door shut close and I proceeded into the bathroom for my shower. I loved the water hot, gave me a different kind of goosebumps. they say to take cold showers in the morning to wake you up and feel fresh, but hot showers made me feel clean and relaxed. I placed my wig on the side and let my natural hair fall out. I shampooed and conditioned as fast as I could. I removed my beard too. after wringing my hair out, I reached for a head towel to wrap it up. my hair was so long that it would get in the way of me washing the rest of my body. after stepping out of the shower I quickly got dressed.

(Buttoning up uniform) Shawn: I need to get my beard.

(Opens the bathroom door) Vladimir: hey Shawn you have to come with-

without any warning Vlad just opens the door to my bathroom and I scream at the top of my lungs! I hadn't put on my wig, beard, or pants!!!!

(Turns away to hide) Shawn: what the hell dude!

I had the towel wrapped around my head so he didn't see my real hair, I had my boxers on so he wouldn't be able to make out anything but how did he barge in without even knocking!?!?! wasn't the door locked?

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