Chapter 17

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I took a seat next to him on the couch after I placed his empty cup in the sink and my empty chili dog carton in the trash. I kept my cell phone in hand waiting for Dilan's reply.

Shawn: nice suit.

Vladimir: oh... thanks

He begins unbuttoning his tux and loosening his tie. he didn't look happy at all. Sharon knew what happened, but Shawn didn't...

Shawn: so, uh how was the party?

Vladimir: a disaster.

Shawn: what?

Vladimir: my mother hated everything.

Shawn: no way...

Vladimir: she's a old hag, I should have known she wouldn't have liked any effort I take in planning things for them.

I got a text from Dilan. he was about to reach home. now I had to message tum-tum and tell him that I had a friend sleeping over. I text him in short with vague details.

Vladimir: how was your family thing?

Shawn: o-oh mine?! uhh well it was different that's for sure...

(Searching) Vladimir: hmm. where's your remote?

Shawn: here I'll get it for you. what do you wanna watch?

Vladimir: anything on Netflix.

Shawn: net-Netflix?!

Vlad looked at me weirdly. wha-what do I do? if he sees my Netflix he's going to find out for sure! tum-tum and I didn't have a separate profile or anything, we just used one profile...

Vladimir: what? do you not have Netflix?

Shawn: well, I...

(Sigh) Vladimir: don't tell me you watch all that creepy shit on Netflix.

Shawn: um...

Vladimir: it's ok. I'm not going to blame you for watching head slicing gore and creepy clowns coming after your soul.

What is he talking about?! I hate that stuff!! just the mentioning of such things makes my skin crawl.

Vladimir: in fact, I'm in the mood for a scary movie right now. how about we watch a classic.

The closest to a scary movie classic I've seen without feeling too scared was the shining and that's because it was a super old movie. what was another not scary old movie???

Shawn: Freddy vs Jason?

(Shrugging shoulders) Vladimir: ok, I think they've redone that one.

Shawn: w-wait I thought you said cl-classic.

Vladimir: just turn on your Netflix and let's just scroll and see what classic we find.

I stood in front of the tv so that he couldn't see anything. I quickly clicked on the scary section of Netflix and then turned to hand him the remote. he was already laying on the couch with his feet up on the handle. he removed his tie and had his white shirt fully unbuttoned. he used both couch cushions as pillows and I began to whimper.

(Takes the remote) Vladimir: let's see what options we got.

stupid jerk took both cushions as pillows! how am I supposed to hide my face during jump scares!?

Vladimir: oh sinister! I haven't seen that in a while.

Shawn: wh-what's that one about?

Vladimir: uhhh you know I actually don't remember. something about kids getting electrocuted or drowned.

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