Chapter 6

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I was cleaning like usual when Ivan's cooking kept coming into mind. this was the first time I ever tasted his preparation and I had to wonder was there a tiny rat under his chef hat controlling him? my taste buds were beyond satisfied. no wonder he was known as a prodigy. I can't wait to have lunch and dinner. tum-tum called during lunch time and asked me to keep him posted. this was going to be a regular thing for us. days eventually turned into one week, it was official one week had gone by and I hadn't been discovered. that was somewhat reassuring to tum-tum but he still brought up quitting the servant duty and finding a normal job, a feminine one and as usual I would ignore his attempts to persuade me. I didn't get to see Ivan as much, but I never was late for his cooking. seemed like he would be cooking all our meals for 3 months straight. that made me happy.

Vladimir: you don't have to cook such fancy meals for them you know!

that sounded like a very pissed Vladimir, I peeped my head out of one of the rooms to see that he and Ivan were conversing down the hall.

Ivan: I do it because it keeps me calm.

Vladimir: mother's going to think I put you up to it, that I'm forcing you.

Ivan: I can simply say that her assumptions are wrong.

Vladimir: you're in MY house, so you do as I say, and I say stop cooking all the time. mom sent you here on a vacation so stop cooking and start relaxing.

Ivan: but cooking is relaxing.

(Raising his voice) Vladimir: we all know that you're the special and favorite child! so we all have to make sure your happy, if your happy cooking then why don't you just do it at mom and dad's place! why are you even here?!!

I could see Ivan was getting disturbed with Vladimir's tone. he was wincing and his hands were clenched into a fist. Ivan started walking away, trying to get farther and farther away from Vladimir. Vladimir kept up with Ivan's pace and continued to shout at him.

(softly) Ivan: I just wanted to spend time with you.

Vladimir: oh really? are you sure mother and father didn't send you here to keep an eye on me? isn't that what Ronin is for?!

Ivan: I haven't seen you in six months. I thought I'd make you eat all the new foods I've learned to make.

Vladimir: your impossible.

Ivan: mother and father loved all the new recipes I've created.

Ivan had stopped and tried to speak, but Vladimir was still pretty upset. Ivan started powerwalking away from his brother. Vladimir chased after him.

Vladimir: again, with mother and father! stop rubbing it in my face already. look at me when I talk to you!

that instant I had no idea what came over me but just as Vladimir was reaching for the collar of Ivan's shirt I intervened. I firmly gripped Vladimir's right wrist before he had the chance to do anything to Ivan. Vladimir's eyes fell onto me. my heart was racing but I could not tolerate the way he was treating his own brother. I looked over to Ivan to make sure he was ok, but he was all the more terrified that I was there. suddenly Vladimir yanked his hand breaking free from my grasp.

Vladimir: you fucker! what the hell do you think you're doing!?

Shawn: calm down sir.

Vladimir: calm down? is a low life servant telling ME to calm down?!

This wasn't the Vladimir I knew. he was so gentle and well-mannered around people. he was fun and exciting during his concerts, but never like this! he cornered me against the wall trapping me between his hands. I puff out my chest and push him away from me.

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