Chapter 8

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A total of three and a half weeks rolled by. Mr. Daniel dropped in like he said he would only this time without toby. they were discussing about Vladimir's new tour and that it'd be an Asian tour. I wouldn't be able to follow him if he went to Asia. whatever concerts he did here in America I was there for majority of them. to watch him on stage was truly magical. the night sky filled with flashing lights of every color, fireworks going off in between his performances and the number of trained dancers performing stunts on his stage all just breath taking. when he was up there messing around on his systems, he had the crowd under his control. the crowd would jump when he asked them to and even turn on their phone's flashlight and wavy them around in the air. he had me under his spell each time. shame no one knows his true self! childish, immature and thinks he's all that! now that Dilan had arrived the three of them went out more often which was good. I didn't have to deal with his antics that much. the more I observed Dilan and Ivan the more I got to understand the dynamics between their relationship with Vladimir. Ivan was the most polite and well-mannered one. he always carried a black and white composition notebook with him. even if the boys were simply playing video games in the gaming room he'd sit quietly nearby and skim through the pages. now and then I'd see him writing in it as well. seemed valuable to him. Dilan on the other hand was very outgoing and high in energy, he loved talking about the latest sports cars and the upcoming shows he was signed on for. I had the scoop one all three of them, one tweet about Vladimir's new tour and Dilan's new tv series and I'd be super famous! but it wasn't my news to tell. indirectly that would blow my cover as well.

Vladimir: servant! where is my servant, Shawn Mendes?!

(laugh) Dilan: what do you have against Shawn Mendes anyway?

Vladimir: the whole pretty boy attitude just doesn't sit right with me.

(Drinking sparkling water) Ivan: he's just annoyed that he doesn't have enough twitter followers than Mendes.

(Checks his phone) Dilan: what really?

Vladimir: shut up Ivan.

Dilan: he only has 100 more than you.

Vladimir: where is my servant!!!!???

(Sarcastic) Shawn: what is it now your majesty?

Vladimir: the boys, Ronin and I won't be home till late.

Shawn: ok.

Vladimir: you'll be home alone after 6. think you can manage the house by yourself?

Shawn: no worries, you can count on me Mr. Ronin

Vladimir: I'm the one talking to you. pay attention to me!

I roll my eyes at Vladimir and head back to work. there were still two more rooms to clean.

Dilan: what's the deal with your servant?

Vladimir: what?

Dilan: don't you feel uh I don't know like he seems like a pussy?

Vladimir: he is a pussy what about it?

Dilan: nah, man I mean don't you feel like he's a woman?

Vladimir: what?! no, well kinda. his body structure and all does seem very womanly, but he doesn't act anything like a woman.

Dilan: is he gay?

Vladimir: how would I know?

Dilan: he's your personal servant, right? Haven't you observed any LGBTQ type of behavior?

Vladimir: no. why are we talking about him anyway?

Shit! Dilan is on to me!!! I overheard their conversation from another room. Ivan didn't seem to have any opinion on the subject, and I could see Vladimir had gone into deep thought about this. fear consumed my body; my hands were trembling so much that I couldn't wipe the counter tops properly. after a few more minutes Ronin and the boys left the house and that's when relief entered my body. the rest of the day was uneventful as I finished my chores in peace. at 6 the house was empty; I had the huge house all to myself! what should I do first? I know I'll play music throughout the whole house! after that I roamed the whole house with a face mask! my skin was singing with joy that I took off all that make up early. I turned on the big screen in the gaming room and did a little bit of Zumba. I had gained 5 pounds eating all of Ivan's delicious cooking. I would have gained more but the amount of work I do around this house is enough to keep my body in check. it was 10 and the boys still weren't back yet. I changed into my pajamas but kept the wig and chest brace on I figured I'd remove them right before I go to bed. in the meantime, I'll catch up on my show that I haven't seen for three weeks. it was a Netflix show about a poor girl falling in love with a rich bad boy. it had your typical drama and romance to keep every girl hooked. I connected my phone to the tv and watched with full concentration.

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