Ben's fouth grade teacher x Male Reader

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Ms.Anderson:How old are you?



She gave it some tought and rubbed her chin in silence.Y/N on the other hand felt as if he was being tickled from the inside.He was never so impulsive in his entire life but seeing her just simply awoke something in him.

When Ms.Anderson finished her thinking,she gave a smirk.

Mr.Anderson:I think we can come to an agreement.

Y/N:Im all ears.

Ms.Anderson:We can go on a date once...


Ms.Anderson:Once Bens behaviour or grades improve.

Y/N:That...does actually seem fair and reasonable.

Ms.Anderson:Glad you see it that way.You can help him but you cant give him the answers.

Y/N:Of course.

Ms.Anderson:He mostly has trouble with the multiplication tables.Theres a five minute test in two days.We have about two of them before the real one and his last one wasnt praiseworthy.So if he gets an A on this one we can set up a date.

Y/N:Then its a deal.

Y/N got out of his seat and returned the chair to its previous place.

Y/N:Well,until out day,goodbye.But dont worry,itll be soon.

Ms.Anderson:I hope so.I cant remember the last time I gave Ben an A.

Y/Ns smile dropped a little since he wasnt expecting her enthusiasm to be directed as such.He closed the doors and left for the Tennyson residence since he was sleeping in their guestroom.And to tell Ben how did it went.Once he got to the house Bens parents,Carl and Sandra,asked him how his walk was since they didnt know.

He answered that he enjoyed it more than he tought he would and after a while they began eating dinner.After the dinner,Ben took Y/N to his room.

Ben:So how did it go?Did you fix the problem?

Y/N:Im afraid not little buddy.The only thing I could do is let her agree I help you out at home.I think that is you get an A soon she might go easy on you.

Ben:Thats all?

Y/N:Yeah,and you should pay more attention at the school.The books rarely help and since it was so long I dont know how to explain it to you without doing it for you.So you have to be able to tell me everything that the teacher says.

Timeskip tommorow afternoon after school

Ben came back from another backbreaking day at school and just wanted to relax.He opened the doors of his room without closing them and layed on his bed.

???:Ready to train for math?

Ben sat up from his bed and looked around for the source of the voice but saw nobody.He then saw doors move to reveal Y/N was behind them.

Ben:Don't do that.

Y/N:Sorry,I couldnt resist.So what do you say?
Ben:I just got home,I need a break.

Y/N:OK,just tell me what you did today during the math class.Then Ill take your book and notebook,prepare some tasks and you relax for about half an hour.


Timskip 36 minutes later

Y/N came back to Bens room with notebook,Math book and some papers.Ben was already sitting at his desk so they could start immedietly.

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