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I'm just going to jump into this one. You should know what this is by now and if you don't then why the hell are you starting at number 22? 

Anyways, I've been in the hospital this weekend. Not sure if you guys know but I have Sickle Cell and I'm in and out of the hospital because of random fits of excruciating pain in different areas. This time it was my ankles/heels. Needless to say, I couldn't walk for shit unless someone was holding me up or I was doped up on morphine in which case, I'd be sleeping not walking around. Honestly, it was my fault this time. I went swimming in 50 degree weather in a pool that felt like 30 because my friend said it'd be "fun". Yeah well "fun" landed me in the fucking hospital. 

So let's skip past the part where I hobble to my parents bedroom at midnight, falling over myself in pain saying I need to go to the hospital. My dad took me, stayed while they got me settled for like 2 hours. Then he had to go home. My mom didn't call while I was in the hospital. At least, she didnt call ME. My dad called plenty though. He called once and passed the phone to my mom. I didn't even get to fucking talk. She just talked and talked and talked and didn't even give me time to answer questions like "How are you feeling?" Not like I give a flying fuck but she specifically said, "I'll come visit you tomorrow...maybe."

I'm thinking, okayyyyy they're coming to see me tomorrow, Oh  Joy. No one came. My dad called but he was working so it's not like we talked that much. Mom didn't call. I didn't care. 

So I got discharged today at around...12:45 pm. My dad picked me up but didn't exactly wait for me to catch the fuck up. We walked all the way to the cafeteria (well he walked, I limped and hobbled and stopped for breath). Alright don't wait up then. 

Then after our escapades in the cafeteria, I was hoping he'd get my prescription so I can actually walk without looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame got shot in the leg. He wanted to drop off the ICEE's he bought for my mom and the kids and whatnot first because "they'd melt". Alright I don't care. We stop in front of my mom's friends house. He says, "We're here" and turns the car off. I'm like "You didn't take me home?" Apparently, "we're stopping to say hi to your mom remember?"

OH FUCKING KAY. Well I say my hi's after limping into the house (THANKS FOR NOT HELPING ME) and my mom's friend says I should lay down. She helps me to a room to sleep in. Mind you, I'm not in excruciating pain yet but it's getting there. Oh and I left my bag in the car so no phone to entertain me and not to mention the fact that I am on my period. Glorious -____-

So i "sleep" for like two hours and th epain comes back but only in my right foot. I need to pee. I am perioding all over myself (okay it's not as bad as I'm making it seem but still) and I'm in a room alone, unable to stand because it hurts so damn bad. Finally, my cousin was over and she walked by. I called for help. She helped me to the bathroom and out when I was done. Now I WANT TO GO HOME at this point. She tells my mom I'm in pain and brings me Advil. Now my doctor said that I can take three Advil if I'm in pain (this is before I have my prescription). So I'm prepared to take Advil. My mom comes with a prescription bottle with HER name on it and tries to give me one. She won't tell me or show me what it is. She's just convinced it'll be better than the Advil.

"Um, aren't people not supposed to share prescriptions?"

"You think you know better than me?" Referring to the fact that she graduated nursing school in July of 2012 but the bitch doesn't have a job yet um *cough* loser *cough*

"I'm just....skeptical," I said, eyeing the bottle of pills shes trying so hard to force on me.

"Ok fine." She drops a bottle of water in my lap and walks away to go talk shit about me because I won't take her fucking pills even though I explained the doctor said I can take 3 Advil.

I take my damn Advil, doesn't work for a long ass time but finally it works. My dad finally decides it's time to go and tells me let's go rather than helping me up or even acknowledging the fact that  I can barely put my sandals on without wincing. I hobble to the car with the help of my mom's friend. She opens the door for me. And all this. Now here we are 5:30 pm, I'm in the car, perioding on myself, dying to get home, foot ache subsided, tired af with a drawstring bag, a prescription baggie, a bottle of water, and my laptop. Dad once again doesn't help me with my shit when we get home. I made it inside eventually. NO THANKS TO YOU DAD. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go change out of my period soaked underpants. (lol it's really not that serious, I've already changed xD). 

xoxo tellmegoodbyee

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