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Shen Banqing can be said to be another core of this world. If the plot changes and the hero does not appear at that time, her fate will be even more unknown.

If there is a major change here and there are unknown consequences, this unstable world may collapse prematurely.

In fact, when he first ran out, he didn't think too much, nor did he deliberately try to hide Lu Chen, just out of the most emotional consideration of the moment.

In the original book, this paragraph takes place on the eve of the graduation of the heroine and the heroine, perhaps because of the disrupted rhythm of the story, even the plot is advanced, and it is also a key turning point in the heroine's relationship.

Shao Fei called Yang Xin. Because of the sorting of classes and Shen Banqing's refusal, Yang Xin at the other end was in a depressed mood these days. He was a little disappointed, and even constantly wondered if he was really that bad and made people feel bad. Tired of myself so much.

Just as the heavens and humans were at war, they received a call from Shao Fei.

Although Shao Fei is at the same table as his idol, the two of them are completely extreme. If Yang Xin received a call from Lu Chen, he would be frightened for fear that he hadn't done a good job, then the call from Shao Fei would be much warmer. I felt like I wanted to make a joke, and when I heard the words on the other end of the phone that Shen Banqing was mentioned, I immediately refreshed my spirits.

"No, I didn't go with her today, shouldn't she go back at this point?..." Yang Xin's expression changed, and Huo Ran stood up: "If you find her, send me the location as soon as possible. I haven't left for a long time, now I'll pass by right away!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone and returned to school as quickly as he could.

The inertia of the plot will not completely disappear due to the change of the hero. Shao Fei ran to the indoor playground according to the prompts in the article. Now there are no people inside. When you look far away, you can see the locked equipment room. Shao Fei did not confirm. As long as you open the equipment room, you will know that his inference is quasi-inaccurate. No one is best. If anyone...

The small room on the other side is the teacher's lounge. I remember that there is a key. Shao Fei put the umbrella aside and ran to the lounge, but before he got close, he was stopped by four girls who found that the situation had changed. Two of them One is from the first class, and the other two should be from other classes.

"Shao Fei, what are you doing here?" Recognizing that this is Lu Chen's tablemate, these girls are fairly polite, but they are obviously blocking the way.

Shao Fei was not surprised to see them, at least he was sure that Shen Banqing was indeed locked here.

Shao Fei looked at their youthful and beautiful faces. Maybe they didn't feel that they had done too much, but for the victims, it was not just physical harm. They were at an age when their outlook on life and values ​​were not completely perfected, if not. There will always be shadows in the hearts of people who are strong enough.

No matter how unscrupulous, there must be a bottom line.

A flame sprang up in Shao Fei's heart, and the anger made the grayish aura on his surface disappear, and his expression was not that easy to come by. He didn't fight hard and tried to make them give up: "Now you let me in, then I can When this incident did not happen. Your grades were good, and the future is even more limitless. If this incident is known to the school, there will be warnings and punishments. If it is serious, it will not be worth the loss."

They found that Shao Fei at this time was different from the very passer-by in their impression, who seemed more and more eclipsed by Lu Chen, but they couldn't tell the difference. Maybe everyone has a shot in their minds to judge themselves and others. , They can't inspire the other side without encountering special circumstances.

Passerby Male ProtagonistWhere stories live. Discover now