Chapter 57

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Bennett-Hopkins House

"Scott really said that?" Bonnie asked after Caroline shared the details of what happened on her ride home with Lydia and Scott.

"Every single word, Bonnie," Caroline replied over the video call. "He is as dangerous as he seemed and sounded in Mayor Lockwood's office, and as ruthless as Kol made him appear.

You should have heard him warn me about how his pack 'takes care' of threats to him and the people he cares about before he even knows about them, and he's not wrong. The conversation Scott had with the woman he called - Francesca - confirms his claim.

But what had me was his warning of what will happen if Stefan goes after the people he cares about. Scott said that if Stefan goes after the people he cares about, he is going to 'take care' of him."

"Since he got physical with Kol to keep his word, I don't think we should ignore his warning," Bonnie said. "We have to make Stefan understand that Katherine's death was an accident and make sure he knows the risks of going after him, especially via people he cares about."

"Yeah," Caroline agreed. "Scott's saving grace, other than being a good guy and a great leader who knows when to fight and when to stop, is that he actually doesn't want things to reach that point, that's why he wants Stefan to understand the cost."

"But why tell Stefan what happened in the first place?" Bonnie didn't get it. "It's not like we planned on telling him."

"Secrets have a way of coming out, Bon," Caroline responded. "Trust me on that. I get why Scott wants Stefan to know right now instead of find out later on his own or through one of us slipping."

"So, how are we going to do this?"

"I have no idea."

A knock on Bonnie's bedroom door caught her attention.

"Hey, let's meet up after my training tomorrow," She said standing up with her laptop heading to the door.

"OK," Caroline replied. "Call me when you're done. I think I should start training too."

"Do that. Good night!"

"Good night!"

Bonnie opened the door to find Rudy on the other side.


"I've been waiting for you to get your food," He said. "Aren't you going to eat tonight?"

"I already ate a big meal at the Grill with Caroline before I took her home," Bonnie replied retreating back into the room to put her laptop away.


"Yeah, dad."

"And you came home right after dropping off Caroline?" Rudy asked.

"Yes," Bonnie confirmed looking for her laptop charger after it alert her of a low battery. "It's why I arrived late."

"Interesting," Rudy responded folding his arms and leaning against the door frame. "Very interesting that I didn't see you at the Grill all evening, and I was there catching up with some friends."

Bonnie fumbled with the charger after finding it at Rudy's response.

"You-You have friends?" She inquired with her voice going up a few octaves.

"Yes, I have friends," Rudy answered to humor Bonnie's attempt at distracting him. "What I don't have is the truth from you, including why you sneaked to your room when you arrived."

"I didn't..." Bonnie began to deny but trailed off at the 'really' look Rudy gave her. "I arrived late, so I thought that you would be mad."

"Are you sure it isn't because of the dress you bought today and wore to meet and eat a big meal with Caroline at the Grill?"

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