Chapter 45

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Bennett-Hopkins House

By the time Bonnie was done filling Rudy in on her history with Klaus, their plates were without food and Rudy was glad he asked, although he wasn't happy that he was only hearing about everything now. With Sheila gone, he was left in the dark about a lot of things but no more.

Outside the house, Klaus listened to every single word and noted that Bonnie didn't say anything about Caroline being a vampire. That put a smirk on his face, for in the end, he was going to get what he wanted.

"Do you have a plan?" Greta inquired at the sight of the smirk.

"Of course, I do, love. What do you take me for?" Klaus responded, a moment before Bonnie and Rudy got out of the house. "Have you finished your meal?"

"We have, but there's still dessert." Rudy replied, making Klaus frown. "Don't worry; we will have dessert after we finish this. I hear you're nearly unkillable."

"I am unkillable." Klaus stated.

"I might not know much about magic but I know you're lying. Nature..."

"Are you going to lecture me or make your demand?" Klaus interrupted.

"What do you want, Bonnie?" Rudy asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Klaus interjected. "She wants me dead. Likely by her own hand."

"I do want you to die!" Bonnie confirmed without guilt or hesitation. "Everything that has happened is your fault in some way. You killed Jenna and Elena and..."

"And allowed my sister to kill Elena again and I would let her do it all over again." Klaus completed. "But you can't put all the blame on me, love."

"You can blame yourself for the situation you and your companion are in right now." Rudy said before Bonnie could retort or likely lash out. "I intended to release you after you agreed to my demands but after what I've heard about you and what you said, I won't."

"I didn't say anything." Greta responded. "I just accompanied Klaus."

"Don't act innocent after everything you've done." Bonnie replied.

"Hypocrite. You and your friends aren't innocent either. You killed my brother and father and Maddox." Greta retorted, surprising Rudy.

"Your father wanted me to kill Klaus to rescue you! He's the one who led me to the power I possess to kill Klaus."

"Why would my father lead you to such power when he could have taken it himself?" Greta questioned, anger in her voice although she couldn't fully display it. "I know you stole my family's grimoires after you killed them and hid their bodies in shallow graves to get your hands on all that power.

Don't you dare deny it because I had to use a locator spell to find their bodies and give them the proper burial you denied them. You are not some innocent victim in this, Bonnie."

Having avoided finding out what happened to all the bodies that piled up, Bonnie was hit hard with the revelation of what happened to Jonas and Luka Martin's bodies and how Greta found them.

She was reminded of how she found Sheila and she couldn't help the guilt that washed over her over the deaths she had a hand in.

"You're right. I'm not innocent." Bonnie said. "I'll ask Stefan to return the grimoires Damon took from your house and I'll return the one I took. But I didn't kill Luka or your father. I'm so sorry."

"How are you going to return those grimoires when your father doesn't want to let us go?" Klaus asked. "What use are they even going to be to Greta if you refuse to help her get her magic back?"

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