Chapter 43

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Mystic Falls

It took Kimberly a few days to get back to Mystic Falls but as morning found Scott and the others leaving one town, it found her finally back in another, driving towards Klaus's house and ready to face the consequences of her actions.

Or so she thought until she arrived and found Klaus and Kol in the living room with two bodies on the floor.

"You must be Kimberly." Kol said, and then proceeded to greet her with a bloody smile. "Hello, love. Mind cleaning up the mess?"

"Mind dying by my werewolf bite?" Kimberly retorted.

"Unfortunately original vampires can't be killed by a werewolf bite, although it does make them wish they could while it lasts." Klaus informed Kimberly. "Good morning, love. You have been missed, but since you didn't return with Rebekah, I woke Kol to keep me company."

"Could we go for a run, please?" Kimberly requested, decidedly ignoring Kol.

"Whatever you want to say to Nik, you can say in front of me, love." Kol said, not liking being ignored.

Kimberly didn't grace Kol with a response, she just looked at Klaus who remembered one of her lessons about werewolf pack reunions. Klaus felt a little at ease as that meant Kimberly still recognized him as her alpha and pack despite everything.

"If you spent less time plotting against me with witches, dear brother." Klaus began, while standing up. "You would know that this isn't about speaking. It's a pack thing; a ritual, if you will."

"If you stop daggering me, I wouldn't have a reason to plot against you." Kol returned, though confused about what Klaus meant.

"Stop being a nuisance, then." Klaus said, and then addressed his betas. "I know you have been eavesdropping and know that Kimberly is back. Come down here so we can give her the welcome she asked for."

The smiles on Daniel, Hayley, Mindy and Nate when they appeared said everything, they were happy to have Kimberly back. The hugs they gave her sure confirmed their happiness.

With the initial reunion done, the pack left the house, leaving behind Kol with the image of one happy and smiley Klaus and two bodies to dispose. He couldn't help the jealousy that came over him at the image of Klaus' new happy 'family'.

First, Klaus chose Marcel over him while they were in New Orleans, and now it seemed more than likely that Klaus was going to choose his vampire-werewolf hybrids over him. This didn't help Kol stop being a 'nuisance'.

Oh, no. But instead of following the happy hybrid family Klaus built for himself, Kol decided to really explore the house.

With Greta not at the house and the pack gone, Kol finally found the chance to look around, particularly for Elijah and Finn's coffins and the white oak ash daggers Klaus loved using on his siblings.
Mystic Falls Woods

"Would you mind scouting ahead, guys?" Kimberly asked her fellow hybrids, and they got the message that she wanted to speak with Klaus alone, so with a nod from Klaus, they departed.

"You don't like Kol." Klaus stated.

"I don't." Kimberly confirmed. "And though I just arrived, I can tell I'm not the only one."

"You're not the only one but you're the only one to tell me."

"That's because I will always tell you the truth even if you might kill me for it." Kimberly replied.

"And what truth do you want to tell me now?"

"Setting Kol free is a bad idea." Kimberly stated.

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