The Aftermath

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After Chris left Argent Arms International, Gerard pondered how he could pay back Scott for ruining his plans, again, and destroying his family. Not only did the boy defeat him a while ago, but he also turned his son against him, Chris didn't want anything to do with him anymore, and the man couldn't help but hate Scott McCall even more than he already did.

The experienced hunter knew that he made a mistake by underestimating the werewolf for the second time, and because of that, history would remember Scott as the one who killed the resurrected Beast of Gevaudan, now the Beast of Beacon Hills too.

Scott McCall, the Alpha werewolf that killed the resurrected Beast of Gevaudan. Gerard loathed even thinking about it. It truly was sickening how Scott always found a way to attach himself to his family, and now his name was going to be mentioned in the same sentence as the Maid of Gevaudan and the first Argent hunter, Marie-Jeanne Argent, née Valet, instead of him.

Gerard just knew he had to make Scott suffer and hit him where it hurt the most before finally eliminating him. Oh, there was no way he was going to kill the boy without him experiencing unbearable pain. Gerard thought back to Lydia's banshee scream and a slow smirk replaced his frown. He knew exactly how he was going to hurt Scott McCall, and this time, someone else was going to do it for him, someone the boy hasn't corrupted like Allison.


"Plotting already?" Asked a voice, starling Gerard.

He went to get his gun, but it was nowhere to be found since Chris took it, so he slowly turned to the source of the voice, unarmed, and came face to face with a certain Alpha werewolf.

"Deucalion," Gerard sneered, making the Demon Wolf smirk. "What are you doing here?"

"The turtle survived your sting and wants to see if you can survive its bite," replied a cryptic Deucalion.

It took Gerard a moment to understand what he meant and half of that for Deucalion to rush at him before he bit Gerard on the shoulder and retreated to watch what would happen. Gerard gave a short cry at the pain from the surprise Alpha bite before an excruciating pain exploded from the bite wound and quickly spread throughout his body like hot lava.

Gerard screamed in agony as he fell to the floor and tried to take off his sweater, hoping that would lessen the effects, but it just kept on going, his body violently rejected the bite. Deucalion watched as black ooze came out of the bite wound and the screaming and threshing human's mouth, eyes, nose and even ears.

As he watched and listened to the man who ambushed him and his pack, and the hunters that wanted peace over a decade ago, Deucalion experienced flashbacks of that encounter, for it forever changed his life. He was once a man who had a vision, a vision of peace, but Gerard Argent took that from him and left him blinded, questioning his dreams, goals and way of thinking.

Marko just made the doubts Gerard planted in his head real when he tried to kill him, and that just spiraled out of control until Deucalion gave in to his darker nature, for his vision of peace and belief in humanity was ruthlessly destroyed.

Even a man of peace had a breaking point and when he reached it... Well, Lucifer was a perfect example of what happens when that happened. Gerard Argent died a prolonged painful death with Deucalion looking him in the eye, standing tall like a vengeful Titan.

He knew what would happen when he bit the human. The rare flower, yellow wolfsbane, Chris fed his father was more than a cure. The younger Argent knew what he was doing when he gave it to Gerard, and for that, Deucalion was glad. When he took his eyes off Gerard's body and left the building, he felt a weight fall off his shoulders.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now