Chapter 47

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Mystic Grill

"Scott has a girlfriend, Caroline." Bonnie answered before Scott could, blushing a little at the last part.

At the sight of the blush, Caroline wondered if Bonnie could really suppress Scott's supposed power or kill him as the Hundred Witches were training her to. With how quickly Bonnie went to Scott's rescue earlier, Caroline doubted Bonnie could do as the dead witch spirits wanted.

Aside from Bonnie's reaction, Ayanda and Sky exchanged looks at Bonnie's answer and Caroline saw them.

"That's not a denial, Bonnie." She responded. "And since when? When did Scott call and informed you he had a girlfriend? You said it's been some time since you spoke with him. And you two (Ayanda and Sky), what's with the looks? Do you know something?"

"A friend has some business in town and we came with her." Scott interjected, pinching Ayanda and Sky a little in warning. "And yes, I have a girlfriend, Caroline."

"And yet the first thing you do after arriving in town is calling Bonnie."

"It's not the first thing. I've already met with Tyler. I called Bonnie so we could catch up." Scott replied. "Since we're here, how about we catch up too? We haven't spoken since the last time I was here and just a few minutes after we meet again, you have an original vampire for an admirer."

"Tell me about it."

"Are you (Scott) going to the dinner?" Bonnie asked.

"Yes." Scott answered.

"Why?" Caroline inquired.

"Why not?"

"Do I need to remind you that Bonnie rescued you when you got here?"

"We can take care of ourselves, Caroline." Scott responded.

"When faced with Katherine, maybe." Caroline replied, surprising Scott although he supposed he should have expected her to know. "Thanks for killing her, by the way. She's the one who turned me, but she was a non-original vampire.

Klaus and Kol are not only twice her age, they are also originals and we don't have a weapon that can kill them."

"Like Scott said; we can take care of ourselves." Ayanda said.

"We're wolves." Sky added. "Our preferred prey is usually much bigger than us but we still manage to successfully hunt it and have our fill."

"Klaus isn't prey." Bonnie reminded.

"You're right." Scott agreed. "Klaus is an apex predator."

"Our Alpha, though, is the apex of apex predators." Ayanda proclaimed proudly.

"Really now?" Caroline responded. "Where was this apex-of-apex-predators Alpha of yours when you were facing Klaus and Kol?"

"While they were facing Kol, he was facing Klaus." Scott replied.

"I didn't..." Caroline trailed off. "You are your pack's Alpha?"

"Surprised?" Scott asked, leaning back on his chair.

"You are a werewolf alpha?!" Caroline repeated her question, and gained the attention of some of the people close to them.

"Shh!" Bonnie shushed. "No one wants to know what rank he holds for a dumb video game."

"There's nothing dumb about the greatest video game ever invented!" Scott responded accordingly, playing along.

"That's what every video game geek thinks about their favorite games." Bonnie retorted.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant