Chapter 55

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Gilbert House

"Do you think Bonnie and Caroline have returned from Klaus' house?" Stefan asked Alaric.

"I don't know," Alaric replied after checking the time. "Maybe? Why don't you call one of them?"

Stefan did as Alaric suggested.
Klaus' House

"Hey, mom," Caroline greeted after answering a phone call from Elizabeth as they reached the cars.

"Are you OK? Where are you?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm fine, and I'm on the way home."

While Caroline spoke with her mother, Scott addressed Bonnie.

"How about we drive Caroline home to make up for the time you lost while I toured the house?" He suggested.

Before Bonnie could respond, Caroline gave her a thumb up and a nod in support of the idea.

"OK," Bonnie responded. "Thanks."

"I would like them (SPGs) to follow you, though."

"Why?" Bonnie questioned.

"To make sure that you arrive home safely," Scott replied.

"Scott, I can protect myself."

"I know. It's just for my peace of mind. And some people need to see that you're not alone so that what happened yesterday doesn't happen again."

"Like anyone will try anything after you threatened to tear them apart, piece by piece, including an original vampire," Caroline commented after ending the call.

"Some people like taking chances," Lydia said.

"Alright," Bonnie conceded. "Just this once."

That said, Caroline joined Lydia and Scott as they went to their car while Bonnie went to hers with SPGs going to their own.

Inside Scott's car, Cora, Malia and Rebekah rearranged to accommodate the unexpected extra passenger that was Caroline with Rebekah sitting on Malia's lap and Cora taking her place.

Being that they were going to drop off Caroline, Lydia went to the back seat while Caroline took shotgun.

"What's with the bag?" Scott asked upon seeing Lydia hanging on to it.

"It contains leftovers," Lydia replied as Scott started the car. "And I don't want them to spill."

What Lydia didn't know was that the cloaking spell that was hiding Cora, Malia and Rebekah also had a repelling and suggestive charm to prevent people from going near the wearer or do anything that could reveal the wearer of the necklace.

Before Scott could do a follow-up, Caroline's phone rang again, and she checked to find that Stefan was the caller.

She debated whether to answer the call or not due to her company but figured he was just checking if they were OK and done with dinner, and would be worried if she didn't answer, so she answered as the cars left the Hybrid Pack and Mikaelson family's home.

"Hey!" She greeted.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Stefan greeted back and then asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright, and so is Bonnie. We just left Klaus' house and Scott is driving me home."

"Why is Scott driving you home? Isn't Bonnie your ride?"

"She has curfew, and she's running late, so Scott offered."

"OK. Call me when you get home." Stefan said, paused and then asked. "Did you tell Scott that I want to meet him?"

"Um, not yet."

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ