Chapter 23

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"How long do we have to wait? We have things to do." Inquired Bonnie, after some time since Greta, Daniel and Mindy stopped her from leaving.

"Your friends can leave if they want to, but they'll be missing quite a show if they do. You, on the other hand, can't." Said Greta, standing with her fellow witch, her friends and the two hybrids on the side of the dance floor.

"And who is going to stop me? You? These two?" Questioned Bennett, referring to Martin and the two hybrids. "I've brought an original vampire-werewolf hybrid to his knees, I don't think you three will be much of a problem."

Matt, Caroline, Tyler and Elena were impressed with their friend's boost and confidence since it was true she brought a certain hybrid to near death and was saved only by his brother running away with him.

Greta, Daniel and Mindy on the other hand didn't take what she said well and were about to do something about it until they all heard a scream over the music, stopping it, and the crowd move away from the origin of the scream in a hurry.

They went to check what was going on and found Klaus and Rebekah feeding on two of the party-goers with Stefan standing by before the female Mikaelson cut short on her feeding and beckoned him to feed.

"Come, love. A fresh meal is waiting for you." Said the girl, knowing that ever since he was depowered he hasn't had fresh blood from the artery and now an open external carotid artery was waiting for him.

The Salvatore swallowed hard at the invitation, for they used to their victims sometimes back in the days and the past momentarily crossed over with the present and he went in to feed, the thought of fresh human blood after feeding on blood bags for so long on his mind, but abruptly stopped when...

"Stefan!" Elena called his name, coming into his line of sight and shame-filled him.

"Ah, Elena. So good of you to join us." Said Klaus, having stopped short of killing the human he was feeding on and turned his attention on the Gilbert. "But it appears you lost some manners in my absence."

In the silence that followed Greta and the Hybrid Pack as a whole went to Klaus and Rebekah's side while Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Caroline and Tyler stood on the other side and a standoff between the two groups was witnessed by terrified humans who couldn't leave the house for some reason.

That reason was the fact that they were all compelled by the Hybrid Pack upon their arrival at the mansion although the local group of friends didn't know that detail.

For Stefan Salvatore, the standoff was a physical representation of his past and present and he knew its results would determine his future with both and...

"I doubt she had any manners, to begin with, brother." Spoke Rebekah, annoyed Elena interrupted their feeding though this provided them with an excellent opportunity to find out where Stefan's loyalty laid. "Not with her ancestry."

"Sorry, did you just say "brother"?" Inquired Caroline, noting how the new girl addressed Klaus. "Didn't Elijah..."

"Ah, my honourable brother Elijah." Interrupted the Original Hybrid. "Have you heard from him lately?"

"You killed him." Elena reminded the man.

"I kept my word and reunited him with his family just as we agreed even after he conspired with you lot to kill me." Corrected the male Mikaelson. "And yes, this is my younger sister Rebekah. Fair warning, she can be quite mean."

The Hybrid Pack knew what their alpha said to be true, she killed their pack-mate right before their eyes in a temper tantrum, after all.

"Says the dagger happy brother." Retorted Rebekah, and if the situation wasn't so serious a few might have found some humour there but with her retort out of the way the girl focused her sight on Elena. "Is there a reason why you interrupted our meal, doppelganger?"

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