Chapter 19

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It's been a few days since making copies of Lucien Castle's sale contracts with Scott McCall and Eve was still puzzled by her findings, especially after she found out who this Scott McCall was.

When she arrived home the first thing she did was run his name through a search engine and there wasn't a lot of Scott McCall's out there, saying that was an understatement since she only found one, a teenage boy who was just about to graduate from high school.

The woman also found videos of him playing lacrosse, including one of him bringing a match to a pause to save a bird with impressive moves.

The video had a lot of views, likes and comments and Eve couldn't help herself, she read a few of the comments, maybe a little more than a few but this wasn't about that. The thing was she couldn't comprehend how Lucien sold his company and properties to the boy.

He was just a kid from a town she has never heard of who was good at lacrosse and cared about animals enough to stop a goal for his team to rescue a bird, a raven.

Nothing was special or noteworthy about Scott, he was as average as a lot of boys his age so why would Lucien give him everything he owned? A thought crossed her mind that maybe it was part of the vampire's plans.

But if that wasn't so then how did McCall buy all that he did at such a price, how did he find out about the sale in the first place and why was he the only buyer?

Eve didn't rule out that there might be more to the boy. Maybe he was a vampire as well, the woman knew that some vampires did have normalized lives and blended in quite well, Lucien being one of them.

He was a billionaire playboy CEO by day and vampire co-leader by night. Supernaturals learned to blend in well since the beginning, herself included.

There was only one way to find out if Scott McCall was more than he appeared to be, make a phone call to her least favourite untriggered werewolf, Francesca Guerrera, although people knew her as Francesca Correa.

Francesca was from the believed to be extinct Guerrera werewolf bloodline, pretending to be human along with her family. Though they were untriggered she was the Alpha of the Guerrera Pack, owner of the Palace Royale hotel and casino and leader of a New Orleans drug cartel.

The Guerrera Pack was also contributing to the plan for New Orleans Werewolf Community to reclaim what they lost which was why Eve was giving her a call, the woman had connections.

"What do you want?" Was Francesca's greeting, already knowing her caller wanted something.

"Information on a Scott McCall from Beacon Hills, California."
Since becoming the leader of the Town Council Meredith Fell has been on the hunt for vampires in Mystic Falls and she began her search by looking into those who were associated with the late Damon Salvatore, beginning with his brother Stefan.

The first thing she found was that he didn't go through the proper channels to be accepted at Mystic Falls High School and he had no prior academic history, a red flag.

The second was his identification, the only Stefan Salvatore recorded in the Mystic Falls database was his 'ancestor' and they looked the same.

The third was that he was currently dating Elena Gilbert who was friends with Caroline Forbes who was daughter to Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes.

Now that detail gave the doctor pause and she remembered that Caroline was involved in a car accident that she recovered from extremely quickly.

At the time she hadn't thought much of it but since the information the Council had on vampires appeared to be dated, considering vampires could walk in sunlight and not get burned, the woman looked at the case with different eyes.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now