Chapter 26

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The distraction was all Scott needed to go in for the kill and clamped his canine teeth around the neck of the Alpha of the Crescent Wolf Pack, forcing Jackson to immediately submit before the fangs could break his skin by laying down and exposing his underside while whimpering since it was either that, another serious inquiry or death.

He had a duty to continue his bloodline as the last member of the Kenners and Crescent Wolf Pack royalty and he couldn't do that if he died, his death would mean the death of an ancient bloodline of werewolves and he couldn't let that happen so he took defeat over extinction.

Upon Jackson's submission, the Crescent Wolf Pack and the triggered New Orleans werewolves went silent while they waited to see if Scott would accept his submission and let him live or kill him. Marin hoped the boy wasn't lost in the heat of battle and didn't kill the man, they needed him to lead the Crescent Wolf Pack into battle.

Since Vincent divulged his knowledge of the best time to strike they changed their plans a bit and...

The True Alpha let go of wolf-Jackson's neck, accepting his submission and allowing everyone to release a sigh of relief and what accounted as such for the wolves although their alpha's loss soon registered and what it meant for everyone.

Jackson lost the fight and submitted to the Alpha of the McCall Pack on behalf of the Crescent Wolf Pack, as agreed, meaning the Kenner had to formally relinquish his alpha status and either become a beta or leave the pack while they all had to accept a new leader, a new alpha.

For Mary Dumas, however, this meant more than that since she had to facilitate the transfer of power as the Elder of the Crescent Wolf Pack. It meant she had to crown a royal member of their rival pack the North-East Atlantic Pack as the new Alpha of the Crescent Wolf Pack.

Though she wasn't thrilled she realized something, something very important and beneficial for her pack, maybe even the New Orleans Werewolf Community as a whole.

The True Alpha's howl of victory brought the she-wolf out of her thoughts as it rang throughout the Bayou, signalling a new reign and the Crescent Wolf Pack had no choice but to accept their new alpha and honour the agreement their defeated alpha Alpha Jackson Kenner made and not dishonour it or him so their howls joined their new alpha's, along with Jackson's.

Marin suddenly felt goosebumps ran throughout her body in response to the howls her young alpha led. She could feel them deep in her bones and...  That gave her pause, realizing what that meant. The Crescent Wolf Pack was accepting Scott as their new alpha.
Malia's words stuck with Sophie and she couldn't get them out of her mind. The girl said something that she has been thinking about since her teenage years through her frustration with how things were in New Orleans.

The world indeed is a better place if younger people were willing to do what was right and necessary and she had an opportunity to be part of a union of younger people willing to do the right and necessary thing to make the world a better place. The Deveraux didn't know their plans but she was convinced to join them.

Though she wasn't close to Vincent she knew that he wouldn't associate with people who had bad intentions, especially after what happened with his wife and what he said when he revealed their goal, plus Argent said that they were here to save lives.

"Alright. I'm in." Said Sophie, not wanting to overthink her decision.

"Come again?" Asked Melissa.

"I'm in! Whatever you have planned, I'm in." Clarified the young woman.

"Yes! I won't have to erase your memories." Came Malia's happy comment.

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