Chapter 17

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"Ah, it feels great to be king." Said a grinning Lucien Castle, a moment after a young woman left his office at Kingmaker Land Development Inc.'s head office while fixing her dress and wiping a bit of blood from her lips.

He enjoyed his life as a vampire, the first and oldest non-original vampire in the world which made him the strongest non-original vampire in the world. The very thought heightened his mood even further.

Lucien remembered where he came from so clearly, from a lowly servant of Count de Martel and being compelled to live as Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson, a compulsion which thankfully broke a century later, a century was better than forever, to being the CEO of his very own company Kingmaker Land Development and King of New Orleans.

"Co-King, Lucien. Co-King of New Orleans." Said a man's voice followed by its owner appearing at Lucien's office door with a smile on his face. "Is old age catching up, fellow Co-King?"

"You just had to ruin my good mood, didn't you?" Asked the ancient vampire, coming back to Earth. "Just so you know, with age comes power."

"True, but I'm not here for a social visit." Said the other Co-King of New Orleans ago also happened to be a vampire, his smile is replaced by a more serious look as he entered the office. "Two of my men have gone missing, do you know anything about that?"

"Not at all, partner. I've been quite busy this week buying more land." Replied Lucien, standing up from his office chair but not before making sure his pants were secured. "I thought you had informants all around the city to keep you informed and by proxy keep me informed."

The visiting vampire searched for signs of deception in the Castle but found none.

"We both know you have informants of your own." He countered, getting a grin from the CEO.

"And that, Marcel, is why we're still kings of this city. Don't worry, I'll tell you if I hear anything." Reassured the ancient vampire, walking over to a model to the side of his office.

Marcellus "Marcel" Gerard, the thought to be a dead adopted son and protege of Niklaus Mikaelson thanked the older vampire before he excused himself.

He had a meeting to get to but as he left he thought back to the day he first met Lucien Castle, the Kingmaker, the man who helped him step out of Klaus' shadow and control and become king, well Co-King of New Orleans.

When Marcel first chose to be a vampire over his then love interest Rebekah Mikaelson his goal was to officially become the Prince of New Orleans and make his father Niklaus proud, and he did but at the cost of turning his back on his first love, his adoptive aunt.

Klaus wasn't supportive of the relationship and the man knew that if he had been someone else he would have died but just like the Original Hybrid used to tell him, love was a weakness that turned out to be true.

As time went by the Prince desired to be King but for that to happen the King needed to die, the Prince didn't have the guts to kill his adoptive father nor hurt Rebekah in that way, it didn't help that King couldn't be killed.

Marcel left to join the fight in World War I and when he returned he reunited with his adoptive family and most of all his first love but the desire to be king was still there, maybe stronger than ever as he was tired of Klaus controlling his life and living in the man's shadow.

Still, trying to take out the Original Hybrid was suicide, even for family and Kol Mikaelson learned that the dagger fashioned way when he tried to create a weapon to take out his half brother.

At the end of the day, Elijah and Rebekah Mikaelson always stood by Niklaus Mikaelson and that was why though Marcel got back with Rebekah upon his return, secretly, of course, he didn't tell her when an enemy of her half brother and family came to him with an offer. Yes, he loved her but he wasn't stupid.

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