Chapter 41

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Presidential Suite

"If you keep thinking like this, you'll end up believing that you're not good enough, that you don't deserve to be loved and happy." Scott said, Rebekah's every emotion enveloping him; emotional pain and despair in the lead. "If you start believing that, you'll lose hope.

Once you lose hope, you'll stop trying to find love and happiness."

"I've been trying to find love and happiness for hundreds of years, Scott." Rebekah responded, sniffling. "Look where I am. Look where we are."

Scott went silent for a moment and then made a suggestion.

"Maybe it's time you stop trying to find love and let it find you, then."

"I wasn't trying to find or like you." Rebekah retorted. "We literally bumped into each other and everything just happened."


"How about you focus on happiness, for now?" Scott made another suggestion. "You can be happy without being in love or a relationship, right? Think about what makes you happy and focus on it."

Rebekah didn't respond to that for a few moments.

"What makes you happy?" She inquired.

"I make me happy." Scott replied, and got a double take in return. "I'm serious. Evolved werewolves learn to control their abilities by focusing on something that has meaning to them, which we call an anchor. It keeps us grounded.

It could be an emotion, a scent, memory or a mantra or someone important to you, anything. My first anchor was my first love Allison. After we broke up and something happened and she started moving on, my control started to weaken.

Although we remained friends, I had lost her not only as a girlfriend but as an anchor too and as a result I started to lose control. When I almost shifted in front of my dad while we were arguing, before I told him about everything, my mom took me away and gave me a much needed talk.

At the end of it, she told me to be my own anchor. Being my own anchor means that I'm hundred percent responsible for my emotional state. It means that I'm responsible for my self-control and my happiness, they don't primarily depend on my relationships with other people."

Rebekah took that in and reflected on her life. She acknowledged that her happiness depended on others, on every relationship she's had, especially her family. In her defense, though, Rebekah found that life was a little easier that way. It meant she wasn't fully responsible for things.

But for the past centuries, easier hasn't done her any favors and it didn't look like it ever would, nor did her quest to find love and happiness from without. It seemed like leaving Klaus' side was the first step towards a new direction in Rebekah's life, and meeting Scott was the next.

That thought made her look at Scott, like really look at him, and she found something she has been losing; hope.

"What?" He asked, uncomfortable with the way Rebekah was looking at him, growing admiration in her eyes.

"I don't know how to make myself happy." She admitted. "And I'm scared of being happy because I know, from experience, happiness doesn't last. But looking at you... I think I've found my anchor."

"Making someone else your anchor can be dangerous, Rebekah." Scott said, although he was touched. "I lost control when I lost mine."

"Then make sure I don't lose you, Scott." Rebekah replied, eyes locked with Scott's. "Don't lie to me, don't try to control me, don't kill, manipulate or take away what and who I love, don't abandon me, don't hurt me and when I'm hurt or need you, be there for me and look out for me.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now