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"Good morning... Hayden, right?" Greeted Dr Geyer, having just arrived at home from work and found the girl about to knock on the front door.

Before she could reply, they heard a pair of footsteps hurrying for the door inside the house right before the door open and Liam swept his girlfriend off her feet with a very tight hug, knowing about Stiles, she hugged him back just as tightly. The human was left to stand awkwardly and decided to enter the house since it didn't look like they had plans to separate, meeting and greeting Mason on his way in. Kids these days were just too...

Open with their affection, so much so that they didn't even see and greet their stepfathers who just arrived home from work. The Hewitt boy decided to leave the couple too, heading for his home, pulling his phone out to call Corey.


Chris couldn't help but find the sight before him poetic. He just returned to Argent Arms International Armory, having forgotten something and arrived at the sight of his father lying dead in a pool of black ooze with a bite on his shoulder. What the Argent found poetic was that the bite was exactly where Victoria's was and by the look of the sight, the older Argent died a painful death.

He wondered who could have given his late father the bite. There wasn't any signs of a struggle but Gerard's obvious threshing, so Chris asked himself if his father wanted the bite again or not. He must have known the yellow wolfsbane he ate would reject it. The thought of wolfsbane led the hunter to think of his younger sister Kate. The last time he saw her was after he shot her with a yellow wolfsbane bullet but let her go, not being able to kill his sister.

Helping Victoria commit suicide was hard enough, plain out killing Kate would have broken him and he knew it. No matter how much his younger sister was misguided and twisted by their father, the man couldn't kill her. Chris pulled himself out of those thoughts to investigate the place but found no clue as to who bit Gerard except an alpha werewolf, and there were a few in Beacon Hills, with only 2 who had personal problems with the older Argent, Deucalion and Scott McCall. He doubted Scott had the time or mind to go after Gerard right now, and that left Deucalion.

Chris was more inclined to believe the demon wolf was responsible for killing his father, especially after Gerard shot him back in the tunnels. Having already severed all ties with his father, Christopher Argent had no desire to avenge Gerard Argent's death.


Kira watched as the sun rose, knowing that she had to leave town tomorrow and head back to the skin walkers for her training. She knew she had to tell her friends, tell Scott, that she was leaving, but the girl didn't know how she was going to even begin.

"Kira, breakfast is ready!" Noshiko called out to her daughter who was seating on top of the roof.

"I'm coming, mom!" Responded Kira, sighing softly before jumping off the roof and landing gracefully on the ground.

She missed Beacon Hills already, but she had to do what was best for her, not for her mother, not for her father, not for her boyfriend and not for her friends, but herself. Putting those she loved in harm's way was the last thing the thunder kitsune wanted, no, it wasn't even the last thing because she didn't want to bring them harm, and blacking out only to find out that you killed someone was not a good experience.


While Scott slept in his bedroom, Melissa looked around her house, taking in the bullet holes and broken furniture. She was glad she made a copy of her supernatural son's scholarship application and sent it ahead of time, just in case. Melissa was a very proud mother, there was a lot of difference between Scott's last semester of sophomore year and his first semester of senior year.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now