Chapter 48

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Mystic Falls, 1903 Prison World

"Don't you think it's time we leave Mystic Falls?" Nora asked Lillian, bored with the town.

"This is our home, Nora." Lillian responded.

"This is where you spent your human life with..." Nora began, only to pause as she heard something. "Do you hear that?"

"What do you hear?" Lillian inquired.

"A car." Beau answered, standing up. "It sounds like a car is approaching."

Everyone followed Beau's example and exchanged looks as they all knew what that meant; there was someone other than them in the world and that person was heading their way. Caught between caution and hope, Lillian led everyone outside.

It didn't take long before the car came into their sight and a moment later they could see two individuals wearing unusual clothes in the car.

Lucas and Olivia saw the Heretics and exchanged looks, relieved they finally made it. Lucas stopped the car a good distance from the Heretics and then proceeded to get out of it with Olivia and they approached the Heretics, leaving Joshua cloaked with an invisibility spell in the car.

"Hi!" Olivia greeted the Heretics, stopping halfway to them.

"Hello!" Lillian returned the greeting. "Who might you be?"

"I'm Olivia, and this is my brother Lucas." Olivia responded, and then motioned for Lillian to return the favor.

"This is my family; Beau, Mary, Nora, Oscar and Valerie." Lillian introduced. "And I am Lillian. If you're a friend, you may call me Lily."

"Considering we have a proposal for you and you aren't likely to turn it down, we'll call you Lily. Mind inviting us inside? It's cold out here."

"Please do come inside." Lillian said, and as Lucas and Olivia approached, she quietly told the others to behave.
Mystic Falls Town Hall

"What's the meaning of this?!" Elizabeth questioned as the office door was closed, moving towards Caroline.

"Stop right there." Meredith said, halting Elizabeth. "Carol and I found out that vampires who walk in the sun wear these (she pointed at the rings on Caroline and Stefan's fingers) rings with this particular stone which plays an important part in why they can walk freely during the day.

It just so happens that your (Elizabeth) daughter not only possesses this ring, but is also friends with Stefan and was friends with Damon..."

"My daughter was never friends with that filth!" Elizabeth interrupted, fire in her eyes. "Do me a favor and never mention Caroline, friendship and that dead filth's name in the same sentence ever again!"

Elizabeth's reaction surprised everyone.

"O-K." Meredith said slowly. "But do you know that Caroline is a vampire or not?"

"Who said she's a vampire?"

"The ring says so and my people did some test while bringing her here and confirmed that Caroline is a vampire." Meredith replied, confirming what everyone figured she was leading to and they all set their eyes on Elizabeth. "What I want to know is if you knew or not."

Elizabeth took her time to respond, thinking of a plan to rescue Caroline. Unknown to her and everyone, Stefan had regained consciousness some time ago and was pretending to be unconscious, thankful none of the ropes were directly touching his skin.

"Did you know Caroline's vampire status before this meeting or not, Sheriff Forbes?" Meredith pressed as Caroline regained consciousness, groaning as she felt the vervained ropes on her skin.

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