Chapter 50

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Forbes House

A few minutes after Scott and Tyler separated found Scott at the house, knocking, having decided to start with Caroline because he was putting off seeing Stefan again.

The possibility of being the reason Stefan's late brother Damon died, Rebekah having killed Stefan's late girlfriend Elena and having taken Stefan's abilities away being the reasons.

"Who is it?!" Elizabeth asked on her way to the door; gun in hand in case the Council sent someone to finish the job.

"Scott!" Scott answered, and Elizabeth recognized his voice pretty quickly, causing her to pause, squeezing the gun.

"What do you want?" She questioned.

"To check up on Caroline, as a friend."

"She's asleep, you can come back tomorrow."

Caroline, who was woken up by Elizabeth asking who was knocking, groggily asked Scott to tell Elizabeth to let him in, hoping that he would catch her voice after calling his name a few times.

"She just woke up and asked me to ask you to let me in."

"Do you expect me to believe that?"

"No. But she does."

A few moments later found Elizabeth putting her gun away and opening the door and after checking if Scott was alone and a short greeting, invited him into the house before closing the door.

"I'm sorry that I came unannounced and so late." Scott apologized.

"I'm guessing this is usual for you since you're a 'king'."

"Not really."

"Wait here," Elizabeth instructed, and left Scott in the living room to check on Caroline and as she did so, Scott saw her gun on her waist but said nothing, having survived bullets from guns with a lot more power from the last Dead-pool assassins.

When Elizabeth arrived in Caroline's bedroom, she found her indeed awake although not fully.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" Elizabeth asked, sitting beside her bed.

"A little weak," Caroline replied.

"It's the vervain still in your system," Elizabeth responded. "If you're still weak, why did you ask Scott to ask me to let him in?"

"He's a friend, mom," Caroline said.

"Since when?"

"Since a few months ago."

"Is that vampire Kol a friend too?" Elizabeth asked.

"Definitely not! But it seems like he wants to be one."

"Please tell me you're not his 'potential guest of honour."

"OK. I won't." Caroline replied, avoiding eye contact.


"Scott's waiting, mom!" Caroline reminded.

"We're not done here," Elizabeth told Caroline, before leaving to get Scott.

Caroline took the time to make herself a little presentable in the meantime and heard Elizabeth thank Scott for coming to the rescue earlier and by the time they reached her bedroom; she was as presentable as one could be after waking up, sitting up on the bed.

"Hey!" Caroline greeted Scott upon his entry.

"Hey." Scott returned the greeting. "How are you?"

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now