Chapter 13

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"Are you sure he's here, my dear first beta?" Klaus asked, walking around an abandoned but clean and well taken care of the house.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Daniel! Daniel come out of hiding already or you'll lose out on something big, something life life-changing quite..." Paused Kimberly, before she super sped to the other side of the room.

"Empowering!" She completed, knowing that Daniel who happened to be a triggered traditional werewolf had his eyes on her and Klaus the moment he heard them coming and sure enough the young man couldn't refuse his curiosity at Kimberly's display of speed.

"There you are! Daniel Warren meet our new alpha, Klaus." Introduced the first vampire-werewolf hybrid ever turned in world history.

"I haven't agreed to join his pack." Said the he-wolf.

"Oh, but you will." Replied a confident Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson, certain of his statement.

There was no rest for one such as him, even on a Sunday afternoon.
"This is boring." Commented a bored Mason, seating on a camp chair in a clearing in the preserve with snacks and drinks amongst other things.

"I kind of like the quiet, it's better than running around chasing a deer." Responded Lydia, relaxing on her camp chair.

She wouldn't have been as relaxed as she was if Malia hadn't marked the clearing with her scent and as disgusting as that was it was effective in keeping the area wild animal-free.

"Or your mom asking questions about you and Parrish." Added the former host of Sebastien Valet, before he closed his mouth with both hands though he knew that he was right, they both did.

The banshee raised her head a little, eyes locked on Mason.

"What was that?" She questioned, and though her voice was as smooth as silk the boy knew danger even in disguise.

"Nothing! Nothing!" He replied, hands hovering around his ears.

"That's what I thought." Said the girl before picking up her glass of juice.

Malia, Jordan, Hayden and Corey were all out hunting for deer, having left the two at the clearing earlier. It was a beautiful Sunday, the banshee thought. Peaceful, filled with the smell of the woods, nature, fresh air and a nice breeze.

These were the days the girl didn't take for granted because she knew trouble could pick up at any moment and lives could be lost at any second.

That thought made her feel like a veteran, second only to Scott since he was the longest member of the pack. It was a miracle they were still alive considering that they were just sophomores when all this started and today they were seniors.

One more thing that was a miracle was her close friend and alpha possessing pyrokinesis. Oh, she knew and according to Jordan the McCall was more than what he seemed, he was an anomaly, a vampire-werewolf-witch tribrid.

At least that was what Cerberus sensed and by proxy Jordan and since he was a Guardian of the Supernatural there was an extremely limited chance that the hellhound was wrong. If the True Alpha knew the banshee knew he was hiding his status for good reasons and it made sense.

Whatever the Dread Doctors did to him was groundbreaking but it was also dangerous for him and everyone close to him because people tended to fear and be hostile to things they didn't understand.

Hybrids were common in the world but not tribrids especially of his makeup; vampire, werewolf and witch or in his case and to be a specific warlock. If people found out Scott would be more of a target than his status as a true alpha made him be, it was best people didn't know, even those close to him.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now