。˚Chapter 30 - I Love you˚。

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Things ya need to know:

F/T = Favorite time (Nighttime/Daytime)

You sat on the warm couch, the pillow behind you provided support for your back and you were humming on "Bad Romance".

It was the day after the whole "Find the lost Cat" event. When you came home after that you immediately went to sleep, Cat didn't seem to protest against it either.

Now scrolling through your phone, you waited for Cat to get home. He said he would be home at 02:30, and it was around 02:20. He was apparently going out to do something an hour ago, he didn't say what though. You sighed, you were happy to have him back.

You stumbled upon a picture that someone had posted, it was a picture of a lab. It said something like "Finally got the job!" or something. You didn't pay much attention to it, as memories of the foundation came flooding to you.

You thought of how far you had gotten, from a tired guy in his 20s with anxiety and an isolating job, to a less tired guy in his 20s with anxiety, but also a healthy work schedule and a potential love interest. You blushed, it was still a little weird to think that you had fallen in love with Cat, even though... Stuff.

And the thing Viola had said. Did he feel the same? Your head spun and you scrunched up, what if he did? What the hell were you supposed to do? Kiss him?

You choked on air, KISS HIM?! You'd never thought of how that would even play out, wouldn't it be weird?

You suddenly heard the door swing open, you flinched and looked into the hallway, flustered.

Cat quickly made his way in, he closed the door behind him.

"Hiya Y/N!" He shouted happily, you tried to shake off your previous thoughts and gave him a rapid wave.

"Hello!" You responded, smiling and putting your phone on the coffee table. Viola's phone still laid there, it reminded you to go give it to her later. You made a mental note and turned to Cat again, he smiled at you.

Plopping down beside you on the couch, Cat hummed.

"How are you doing?" You asked, switching your position to a cross-legged one.

"Good, thank you for askin'! what 'bout chu?~" Cat responded in a merry tone. You smiled.

"Good" You grinned, you felt more energetic by Cat's presence.

"Did you just use yer phone all the time I was gone? Gee, humans really are boring..." Cat shuddered, he gave a teasing smirk. You frowned.

"Oh, because cartoons are SOOOO much better" You rolled your eyes, Cat snickered.

"They are!" He nodded, puffing up his chest in pride. You gazed at him.

"Put down your ego, you might poke someone in the eye" You uttered, giving a glare to Cat. He leaned on his hand and gazed at you with a smile.

"I missed ya~" He hummed, you blushed and tilted your head. You were about to say "What does that have to do with anything?" But you came up with something better. You smirked.

"Naww... Poor Kitty's without his Mousey a day and he becomes miserable...~" You said in a pretend-sad voice, Cat blushed and glared at you.

"Ey!" He voiced, but soon his flustered expression faded into an intrigued one.

"Did you just say... his Mousey~?" Cat blushed and gave you a flirtatious smile. You flinched and blushed.

"W-What?! No I did not!" You stammered, feeling your face burn. Cat gazed at you with a smirk.

Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (SCP AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ