。˚ Chapter 4 - Keeping you alive ˚。

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The loud ringing of complete silence echoed in your ears. The emptiness felt so extremely overwhelming.
Like deep water, it continued to drag you down. And down. And down. Air with the consistency of water entered your lunges.
You didn't want to breathe.
You wanted it to stop.
It hurts.
Please stop.
You don't want to live like this.
Life isn't worth it.

People aren't worth this much suffering and pain.


just then,

Everything stopped.

But not in the way that you thought it would stop.
You thought your eyes would roll into the back of your head.
You thought your fingers and nerves would go numb.
You thought your thoughts would be melted away, so that you could never think or feel again.
But yet here you were.
The before so heavy air had turned lighter.
It was easy to breathe.
You looked up.
A faded white light shined on the ceiling.
Or... what seemed to be the ceiling.
Has this happened before?
You reached out for the light...


You gasped when you woke up, you were dripping in sweat and you were panting heavily.

*What the fuck?*


You sat with your usual company at the breakfast table, your head was resting in your folded arms on the table.

"You sure you're feeling okay N/N?" Andy looked at you, troubled. All while he had his mouth full with a cheese and ham sandwich.

You groaned loudly, you just wanted ONE good night's sleep! Especially after the chaos that was yesterday.

"I'm just tired Andrill... now let me sleeeeppp..." You dragged the last word and yawned.

You could hear Andy choking on his sandwich, probably due to you calling him the most embarrassing nickname he's ever been called.

Isabelle sat in front of you and gave you a comforting pat on the head.

"Sorry, sorry" She sounded apologetic and she was petting your head gently.

You were starting to succumb and fall  asleep to the soothing petting of Bella, but then:

"Hey! Did you guys hear about that new SCP that has been taken in? It apparently hasn't talked since yesterday, when they got a researcher to get it to answer some questions!" Andy sounded enthusiastic and clasped his hands in excitement.

Bella removed her hand from your head and looked fascinated by the news.

"Really? Who was it? What SCP?" She leaned in towards Andy, and he gladly answered:

"Apparently it's some researcher in middle class! And the SCP had a really complicated name... like..."

*Wait a second...* You felt familiar with the situation that Andy had made you picture.

"It was like... errr... SCP 34750? Nonono... wait..." Andy looked puzzled, so did Bella.

*Oh god no* You lifted up your head and stared at Andy.

"SCP 34570! That's it!"

You facepalmed and sighed heavily.

"What?" Andy and Bella asked at the same time and looked at you.

"It was me..." You mumbled and scratched in your H/C hair, which looked relatively nice for once.

"HAAAH?!" Andy shouted and looked excited as ever.

Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now