。˚ Chapter 1 - A Strange dream ˚。

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A faded white light weakly dimmed up the ceiling. Or... What seemed to be the ceiling.

You mindlessly gazed at the light above you.

So blinding, yet so dull.

Your lunges took in cold, stabbing air and you felt your whole body react to the sudden change of temperature.

You could feel frigid metal bars all around you.

You could feel eyes staring at you,

and you reached for the light...



You quickly sat up in your bed, startled by the sudden noise, you were breathing heavily and could feel the hard, almost concrete-like bed under you.

You looked to your right to see your alarm going ballistic, and you let out a grunt and slammed the alarm to make it shut up. You lifted the cold, thin, blanket off of you and stretched with your whole body.

You looked around to see your chalk-white room with a desktop and a minimalistic closet in the far end of the room, near the door to the "outside". On the far right of the room was the door to your own bathroom. Only the higher class of scientists and researchers got their own bathroom, but they had made an exception for you due to you being near a promotion. The closet doors were wide open and there were lab coats neatly lined up on clothing hangers. There were a few t-shirts and stretchy jeans, due to you hating tight-fitting jeans. Left to the closet was a long full body mirror taped to the wall, you had taped it there in hopes of it not falling down.

Hopping out of bed, you sloppily walked over to the closet, doing a tired yawn.

After undressing, you took a pair of your many identical jeans and a plain oversized grey shirt to go with it, of course with your lab coat.

You studied yourself in the mirror, from your nearly decaying navy blue sneakers all the way up to your unkept H/C hair and your tired-looking E/C eyes. You rubbed your hair in hopes of getting it to look a little more presentable, but alas you gave up.

On the desktop laid an open computer with a file of SCP 283 on it.

"Damnit... I left this running all night?" You muttered to yourself and closed the computer.

Beside the now almost dead computer, laid a pin grey metallic name tag with the words: Dr. L/N engraved into it.

You pinned the name tag onto your coat and felt ready to head to breakfast.

The clock was 06:00 when you stepped into the cold cafeteria, and it was full of people already. From human lab rats to high chiefs in office to normal scientists, the cafeteria was full of 'em.

You padded away to get whatever nasty guck they had for the food today, and it turned out to be eggs and toast. An unexpected surprise, but it sure was a welcome one.

With you now in a slightly better mood, you gratefully took the food that was handed to you and looked around for any familiar faces.

In the left far end of the room sat a couple of familiar faces and one of them energetically waved for you to come over.

You sat down at the table, ready to greet everyone.

"Y/N! How's it goin'? The first one to speak up was the guy who had waved you over. His name was Anderius McCray, or Andy, or just Dr. McCray to be exact. He was an old friend of yours who had made the cut for this job together with you and you had known him since diapers. He was an energetic extrovert with nerves of steel and very... Uhm... dad jokey humor. He is actually kind of the opposite of you, him being the more go with the flow kinda guy, while you enjoyed carefully planning out ahead. But he strangely gave you a sense of comfort and home, and you could always rely on him. He had originally planned to become a psychiatrist, but applied to this job and aced the test when he heard you were joining the SCP foundation. He had a dark complexion with hazel brown eyes and soot-black hair in a shaved hairstyle.

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