。˚ Chapter 19 - TV ˚。

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It was the next morning, and you were sitting in your room, preparing yourself to lie for the best of you. You fixed your H/C hair before barging out the door out of your room.

After Cat left yesterday you had all gone to sleep, and it was now your duty to pretend that you just noticed that he had escaped, and for you to tell Ms. Mason. You pushed open the mechanical door out to the rest of the foundation, walking with sturdy steps and putting on a worried face in front of the cameras. You hurried up to Ms. Mason's office when you stopped in front of the door. It suddenly hit you:

*Can't I just say that he died?* You gave a big grin, that was it! If you told them he had evaporated right in front of you or some shit, they wouldn't go searching for him! You came up with a good story, before opening up the door.

"Ms. River Mason?" You put on a concerned look in front of the woman, she stared at you.

She was wearing a beige knitted shirt, with her neat coat with a pin saying "Ms. River Mason - Head of security". She looked at you with her tired amber eyes, her black hair was in a bun today.

"Dr. L/N, how can I help you?" She cleared her throat, leaning in towards you, signaling that you could sit in the chair in front of her.

You sat down in the chair, just before you started spouting nonsense.

"SCP 34570 has died. Or at least something close to death" You said, trying to sound as disappointed as possible.

Ms. Mason widened her eyes.

"What?!" She looked shocked as she stared at you.

"Well... It just... melted away. Dr. Harper, Dr. McCray, and I were in our private staffroom when the creature suddenly started attacking us. I was drinking a glass of water at the time, so in a moment of stress, I threw the water at the SCP. It started hissing and screeched, it started melting and seemed to evaporate. After that, it was quiet. It happened this morning." You stated.

Ms. Mason looked as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I..." Ms. Mason looked into your eyes for any traces of lies, but she didn't seem to find any.

"Dr. L/N. You're one of our most efficient employees. Despite some... Events, you've proven to be a brilliant individual. So I do trust your judgment. I'll question Dr. McCray and Dr. Harper about this event as well, only for safety measures. I'll inform the council about these disappointing news. You'll be assigned to a new SCP soon, I'll make sure of that." She sighed, scratching her nose. She really did seem disappointed.

"Y-yes... About that..." You started, Ms. Mason gave you a curious look. "I think I'll be changing my schedule to normal work standards. Possibly reduce my working to only some days." You gave a tired look. "My mental state is not the best." You stated, Ms. Mason paused before speaking up.

"Ah. I understand. I'll talk to Ms. Jessica Dunn about it, she'll send the new schedule to you." She sighed. You gave a nod before exiting the room.

You jogged over to your private living quarters, Bella and Andy were waiting excitedly for you to come back. You closed the door behind you, before doing a happy shout.

"IT WORKED! They think he's dead!" You laughed, doing a happy jump. Bella and Andy ran up to you, Andy gave you a hug and Bella soon joined in.

"WOOHOO!" Andy shouted, hugging you tighter.

"Wait- Dead?!" Bella soon said, letting go of the hug. Andy froze, he let go of you as well.

"I changed the story, they think that I threw water on him so he evaporated. If they ask, say that he suddenly attacked us when we were sitting in the staff room, and I threw water on him through a glass I was drinking from. After that he hissed and evaporated" You gave a grin, clasping your hands.

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