。˚ Chapter 2 - God hates me ˚。

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm beeping loudly.

*Another day of work...* You thought to yourself and hopped up from the bed. You did your morning routine, brushed your hair, brushed your teeth, got dressed, took a quick glance in the mirror, and headed out for breakfast.

Today you had chosen a white t-shirt to wear, and when you looked down at your shirt you could see the illusion of it melting into the clear white walls and floors of the foundation. Honestly, you wondered how they could keep the hallways this clean. With the dead bodies piling up every second at the facility, and the scientists walking around with their pre-owned shoes it felt like the corridors should be bright red.

You arrived at the sight of the not-so-appealing food that was your breakfast today. It looked like it had gone through 3 different digestive systems already. You sighed and slowly walked over to the table with Bella already being there.

"Good Morning Isabelle" You sat down in front of her and she smiled:

"Mooorninggg" She stretched as she said it and the word became long and tired sounding.

"Slept well?" You glanced down at your plate full of veggies, there was no way you were eating the crap that was served today.

"A little" She gave out a sigh and began playing around with a cucumber slice with her fork.

You quickly impaled a carrot with your fork and ate it. You waited till you finished chewing before asking another question.

"Do you know where Andy is?" You looked around in the big cafeteria, looking for your energetic friend.

"Prolly overslept again" She let out a tired sigh and shrugged.

You nodded.

You were not allowed to visit each other's "dorms", and you normally would wake Andy up, and you felt a little bad for him because he was about to miss breakfast. But then again, it kind of was his own fault, and you doubted he would want to eat whatever was being served today.

"What about you Y/N, did you sleep well?" She finished playing with the cucumber slice and looked up at you with her pale, grey eyes.

"Yeah... at least as well as you CAN sleep on those goddamn beds." You grunted, frustrated. Bella gave a quick breath out as a laugh.

When you were both done, you stood up and waved each other goodbye.

Today was you were getting an assignment on updating the information about SCP 100, and you were to do so in a writing room of the office part of site-19. You needed a laptop for this, so you quickly went and grabbed one and walked fast-paced to the writing section of the site.

Just when you were walking beside the entrance of the lineup of cells for the different SCPs, you heard a commotion beside you, just into the entrance. You stopped to observe the noise and were surprised to see Dr. Chloe Skeldon, a high-rank scientist, and Dr. Clive Meskill, a high-rank researcher talking rapidly with a pair of the SCP force members, the folks that actually captured SCPs and brought them to the foundation. You told yourself to just move on, but your curiosity took over and you listened in from a few meters, where they couldn't see you, but you could glance at them. You folded up your laptop so it wouldn't look suspicious for the cameras that you were just standing there.

"When was it brought in?!" Dr. Meskill had his notebook open, ready to write every last single thing that the SCP force member said.

"Today, Sir. It was captured near an abandoned mall in Chicago. Where we can't exactly say." The force member spoke in a well-mannered way.

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