Chapter 54

45 1 0

Edited: 11-30-22

Word Count: 986


Today is y/ns birthday. I look over at the sleeping woman next to me and smile. Her hair is laying on the pillow, and she has a serene look on her face. I slowly get up, trying my best not to wake her, and head downstairs.

"Morning Bucky.  Watcha doing?" Wanda, Nat, and Steve are all sitting at the kitchen bar when I walk in.

"Making breakfast for y/n. She's still asleep." I say, moving to pull out ingredients for her favorite food.

"Ohh, can we help?" Wanda asks. I nod.

"So, what did you get y/n for her birthday?" Nat asks, cracking eggs into a bowl.

"Well, a couple of things. One is a secret. The other is her sister." They all look at me.

"Her sister? What does that mean?" Steve asks.

"Tony gave me her sister's information. I invited her to the party. Y/n hasn't seen her sister in almost nine years. She's finally safe and I thought she'd love to have her sister at the party." I say. They all smile and I can't help but feel shy. Was it too much? Should I have stuck with jewelry or chocolate or basic presents?

"She will love it. That's the sweetest thing I have ever heard." Wanda says. I blush and we get back to work. I have the crepes and bacon done, along with orange juice when I hear very quiet footsteps and a small yawn.

"Smells good. What's going on down here?" Y/n walks in and sits down at the bar. She smiles lazily at me and then the girls bombard her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" Both Wanda and Nat scream. She jumps slightly but relaxes as both women hug her.

"Thanks, guys, but it's nothing special. I'm just turning 26. It's not the big 18, 21, or 30. Just in the middle." Y/n says. I slide her a cup of coffee and she takes it great fully.

"Doesn't matter what age you are turning. It's your birthday. It's special no matter what. Especially when we fight for our lives as much as we do. It's a miracle that we have lived another year. Be happy, or I'll make Sam sing Happy birthday every hour till you are." Wanda says. This makes y/n smile.

"As much as I would love to see that, please don't." She gets up and comes to hug me.

"Good morning doll. Happy birthday." I say, leaning down and kissing her.

"Good morning my love. Thank you." She responds.

"Do you want breakfast?" I ask. She nods and smiles and goes to grab a plate.

"Sit. I'll bring you food." I see her hesitate, before deciding it's not worth the fight and going to sit. I let F.R.I.D.A.Y know that food is ready, and then we all grab plates. People start to trickle in.

"So, the party starts at 8 P.M. Make sure you are ready by then," Tony says. We all nod.

"Ohhh. We get to go birthday shopping. You can get whatever you want. Speaking of, what kind of cake do you want? We need to tell Tony's chef before 10." I watch as Y/n shrugs and continues eating, despite people waiting for her response.

"Surprise me. I'm not a big fan of cake anyway." She responds.

"Okay. Can you at least tell me your favorite color so we can decorate with the right theme?" I can tell they are getting a bit frustrated with her, but no one says anything about it.

"Mint green, purple, black." She says. The girls write stuff down, and then she gets up and puts her plate away.

"Let me know when we are leaving to go shopping," Y/n says, grabbing more coffee and heading upstairs.

"Is she okay?" Sam asks.

"She's thinking about the last time she celebrated her birthday. When she was twelve... With her parents." Wanda says, looking down.

"Shit. I didn't even think about that. How'd you know?" Nat says. 

"She was broadcasting her thoughts loudly. She is excited about her birthday, but I also saw guilt and sadness." Wanda responds. I take this as my cue and head upstairs to be with my girlfriend.

"Doll? Are you alright?" I say as I walk in. She is laying on our bed on her phone. She looks up and gives me a quick smile.

"I'm perfect Buck. What do you want to do before I have to go shopping?" She asks, turning and looking at me. I walk over and set her in my lap.

"I think it should be what you want to do since It's your birthday. I'm just happy spending time with you." I say, kissing her cheek.

"That was extremely cheesy, but also cute. I'm gonna take a shower. Care to join me?" She says, putting her hand on my face.

"If I ever say no to that, shoot me," I say, picking her up as she giggles.


"Ms. L/n, Ms. Romanoff, and Maximoff wanted me to inform you that you will be leaving in 30 minutes." F.R.I.D.A.Y announces.  After her shower, we lay in bed. She hasn't gotten dressed either.

"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y." She says, sighing and then moving to kiss me.

"You better be coming. I can't do the whole happy birthday girl without you." She says. I nod. I was told everyone but Tony, Bruce, and Clint were going.
"I have to pick out clothes." She says.

"Ready to go doll?" I ask. She comes out and nods, grabbing a small bag and putting her phone in it. We walk downstairs to meet everyone.

"Y/n. Here you go. Take my card. Buy clothes for the party, decorations, and anything else you want." Tony says when we get there, handing her his card and then walking away.

"Are you ready to go princessa?" Pietro asks.

"Yep. Let's go. I want coffee from a shop before we go to different stores though."

"It's your birthday. We do whatever you want."
Nat says, grabbing two sets of keys.

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