Chapter 12

68 1 0

Edited 10-5-22

Word Count 2014

"Y/n! Why didn't you tell me you moved into the freaking Avengers? How's it been here? Are you okay? Having fun? Are the men as hot as people say?" When Hannah comes out of the elevator and hugs me, I'm bombarded with questions. I smile. She's always so eccentric.

"I'm fine. It only happened on Saturday, and if you remember, I'm trying to keep a low profile. As for the men, some are in the room, why don't you answer your own question." I smirk and see her cheeks get red realizing that some of the guys were in the room. She looks around and then grins, looking back at me.

"Headlines didn't lie. Anyways, let's get to work. Here are the setlists planned out. Apparently, people really liked the emotion you conveyed when you were singing some of those songs, so they requested it." Hannah's all business now. I nod, looking at the papers she handed me. I frown when I see how many breakup songs are on them.

"Why so many sad breakup songs? Dinner music is supposed to be nice and calming. Also, did you bring my guitar? I only have my ukulele and a piano here. " I say. She looks at me with 'you should know why look'

"Dude, did you forget that you sang nothing but said breakup songs for like a month when you first started singing with me? People I guess liked the emotional sound you had and want to hear it again. And of course. I've got your guitar and a small soundboard. The girls couldn't make it here so it's all acoustic and a capella tonight. You have two sets for Friday, same restaurant. Now, I still want to be able to go clubbing after this, so let's get started shall we?" Hannah says, looking at me and then around the room. I nod and signal for her to follow me to the elevator so we can go back downstairs. She rambles on about how cute the avengers are and how lucky I am while I read the papers she gave me. One set of sad songs and love songs, and one set with the country. I don't sing country.

"Country music? You know I don't have the voice for that." I say, looking at Hannah. We made it to the floor and exit the elevator.

"I know. But they don't like pop or hip hop, so I had to improvise. We can change the music on that set if you have other ideas. Also, don't forget about a couple of concerts you promised to perform." She says, strolling over to the couch and pulling out everything we need to rehearse.

"Yeah. I have other song ideas." I say.

"Yes. You promised to perform 3 songs and dance for some guy's party? You signed the contract. I have a copy somewhere." Hannah says calmly while continuing to set up.

"When did I do that? I don't perform at things like that. You know that. I would never agree to that." She sighs and pulls out a contract. I read through it and see my messy signature on the bottom. It's definitely mine, but I have no memory of signing this.

"You signed it after he and his buddies came up to you after a set. You were doing shots at the bar. I tried to tell you not to sign anything, but you waved me off. Now we have to go through with it. The good news is that we get a large sum of money for it. Plus, didn't you say you took dance lessons a year ago? You've got this. I'll come by another day and we can make a small list and choreograph something." She says. I sigh and start to help her set everything up. I look at the list of songs I have to sing for Friday and start to think of the order in which I'm gonna sing. I sit down with my guitar and make sure it's tuned correctly, and Hannah messes around with a mic and the portable soundboard we have. She claps her hands together.

"Alrighty! Everything is set up! What song are we doing first?" Hannah says. I get up and walk over to where she has set up one of the two mics she brought. She had also set on up with the piano. I smile.

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