Chapter 23

58 2 0

Edited 10-11-2022

Word count 935


 "Oh, Hunny, what did they do?" I hear Bruce say. Bucky sets me down on the exam table, holding me on my side.

"I believe it was a whip and some knives. I honestly can't remember everything he used." I say. He nods solemnly and then he pulls out all the things he needs.

"I feel like I don't really have to tell you this is going to hurt, so I am just going to say I'm sorry." He says as he begins to clean my wounds. I cry out.  Bruce kept saying he was sorry every time I cried out, and I soon started to cry.

"I could kill him for doing this. You doing so good doll. Just a little bit longer." Bucky says, holding me.

"I got to clean a few more. So far they don't look like they need stitches." Bruce says.

"I couldn't take stitches. You'd have to sedate me" I say between clenched teeth.
"Ahh FUCK!" I yell. Bucky has been trying to help by brushing my hair back and holding me.

"Sweetheart, we are done. You did great." Bruce says as he finishes.  I'm too tired to respond and simply nod.
I close my eyes and hope for the best.
I hear a quiet conversation.

"Will she be alright Bruce? Please tell me the truth. I can't take it if she's not alright." Bucky says, his voice sounding broken.

"Bucky, I honestly think her wounds will heal just fine. It's the psychological wounds we should be worried about. The man whom she thought loved her and who she was going to marry beat and tortured her. That's going to be a blow to the human psyche." Bruce says. I don't feel anything except hatred for Chris, so I really don't understand what he means. I hear Bucky quietly walk over to my bed.

"Prințesă, trebuie să plec. Mă voi întoarce curând." He says, kissing my forehead.

"Dragostea mea, te rog să rămâi cu mine" I respond,  grabbing his shirt.
I hear him sigh and then move to where he is laying behind me. I sigh and snuggle into his chest, falling into a quiet and peaceful sleep.



"I believe it was a whip and some knives. I honestly can't remember everything he used." Y/n responds. I clenched my teeth. That bastard is going to wish she had killed him if I get my hands on him. I had set her down on the exam table, holding her on her side and comfortably as she could be with her back in shreds, and Bruce begins to pull his tools out.

"I feel like I don't really have to tell you this is going to hurt, so I am just going to say I'm sorry." Bruce says. I can see the sadness in his eyes at the fact that he has to hurt her to help her, and brace myself for her pain. When she cries out, it takes everything I have to not push Bruce away. I know he's helping her and that he hates it as much as I do because he continues to say sorry as he cleans each wound. She starts to cry and my heart constricts. 

"I could kill him for doing this. You're doing so good doll. Just a little bit longer." I say, pulling her as close to my body as I can.

"I got to clean a few more. So far they don't look like they need stitches." Bruce says. I sigh in relief at the fact that he is almost done and that she hopefully won't need stitches.

"I couldn't take stitches. You'd have to sedate me." She says, tears rolling down her face.
"Aw Fuck!" She groans. I do my best to help her by whispering in her ear and holding her, but there is not a lot I can do.

"Sweetheart, we are done. You did great." Bruce says as he finishes.
She simply nods and lays her head down, closing her eyes. I see her breathing turn slow and shallow as she starts to doze off.

"Will she be alright Bruce? Please tell me the truth. I can't take it if she's not alright." I ask, hoping he can't hear how broken my voice is. If he does, he doesn't let on.

"Bucky, I honestly think her wounds will heal just fine. It's the psychological wounds we should be worried about. The man whom she thought loved her and who she was going to marry beat and tortured her. That's going to be a blow to the human psyche." He says. I put my head in my hands. How could someone do this to someone they claimed to love? How can he look at her and feel happy about bringing her pain? I had to listen to her cry and groan and my heart broke. I walk quietly toward her bed. I need to get out of here and hit something. 

"Prințesă, trebuie să plec. Mă voi întoarce curând." I say, leaning in to kiss her forehead. She opens her eyes and looks up at me.

"dragostea mea, te rog să rămâi cu mine." She says, grabbing onto my clothes. She looks so sad and hurt looking at me like that, so I sigh and move to lay behind her. She snuggles into my chest and is soon fast asleep. I quietly brush her hair back and see the sadness and pain drain from her beautiful face, being replaced with a content smile. Hitting something wouldn't have made me this happy and relaxed.

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