Chapter 44

43 1 0

Edited 11-15-22
Word count 1016


My head hurts. That's the first thing I register. Hurts like a bitch. I lift my hand to feel my head but it doesn't move more than a few inches. I hear the clang of metal and grit my teeth. I'm fucking handcuffed. It slowly starts to come back to me.

"I'm sorry about the handcuffs.  We just don't want anyone to get hurt. As soon as we know you aren't dangerous we can uncuff you." A deep and gruff voice pulls me out of my angry thoughts. 

"Well, I'll be cuffed for life because if you let me go, I will kill all of you." I hear an intake of breath and finally turn to the sound. A man with Breathtakingly blue eyes is sitting next to the bed I'm currently strapped onto.

"Why the fuck am I here?" I ask. The man looks sad at my words.

"You came here after Hydra captured you. We got you and brought you to your room." I watch him. He is staring at me with a certain intensity. 

"My... room? What the fuck are you talking about?" I try and move, but these damn cuffs aren't letting me.

"You really don't remember anything?" He asks.

"What's your name?" I respond, ignoring his question. 

"My name is buc- James. My name is James." He says.

"Well, James. It's a shame that you are so nice. Makes it harder to kill you." He shakes his head and stands up.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been the one to stay." He says, and then he leaves the room.  I watch him leave and then get started on my plan. I feel around, noticing that I can pull the cuffs up to my palm. I smile.


"What is she thinking?" Steve asks. I watch what y/n is doing in the camera.

"Looks like she's scanning her surroundings. Probably trying to escape." Wanda says. T'challa will be here within a few hours, and then we can start getting her back.


I scan the area. I see a camera in the corner, and I know they must be watching. I smile. Might as well give them a show.

"You know, It's terribly rude to watch people without consent. What else do you people do?" The door opens.

"I have food. Would you like some? It's your favorite." The man with blue eyes is back, but he has a woman with red hair behind him and the blonde man I distinctly remember wanting to kill.

"What is it?" Despite my anger and the fact that I want to get out of here, I am starving. Hydra doesn't feed its 'assets' I simply exist to kill.

"Chicken tacos. I also have a quesadilla and pineapple juice." The man seems happy that I talked to him.

"I would like some. Although I can't really eat with these on." I gesture to the cuffs on my wrists.

"That's why Wanda is here. I am going to uncuff you. If you try anything,  she will have to put you back to sleep." The woman looks at me, a sad smile on her face. I simply nod. The man sets the food down and then pulls out the keys. He unlocks my wrists. And I distinctively feel the now present bruises. The man curses under his breath.

"Sam put those on  way too tight. Here. Let me help." He reaches for me but I flinch and move away. I don't know a kind touch. He probably wants to make it worse.

"I'm fine. Don't touch me." I say. He looks sad, and the woman sighs. He nods and then grabs the food and sets it in front of me. It smells divine. I rip little pieces off of the different things. Savoring the taste of food. I doubt I'll get it again anytime soon. Both the woman and man watch me, hope in their eyes.

"This is good. Thank you." I test the waters with those words on my tongue.  It feels foreign. They both nod.

"When was the last time you ate love?" The woman asks.

"I don't remember.  I don't need to for with hydra.  We aren't people. Simply assets used to tie up loose ends." The man clenches his fist and the woman gets tears in her eyes.

"Do you remember anything besides hydra?" The man asks quietly.  I tilt my head at him.

"You look familiar.  Like a file, I was given. That's all I remember. That's all I need to know. I was made to kill and that's it." I say, knowing the speech by heart.

"Who told you that?" The man asks.

"Hydra. I belong to them. What they say is practically law." I know I shouldn't trust them, but something in my gut tells me that they are actually good people. I decide I'm done talking.

"I'm done. Please take this and go." I say. I had only eaten half of the food. The hope in their eyes diminished,  and the man stood up. He took the food, and then came back.

"I'm sorry, but I have to cuff you again. I promise they won't be as tight now." He says, coming over and cuffing my hands again. I notice then that he has a metal arm. His fingers linger on my skin for a few moments.
They both leave, and I'm stuck wondering what this feeling is.


"Well, she seems less violent. We may be able to get her back sooner than we thought. Wanda, T'challa is landing now. Once he comes, we'll talk to him about using his brain mapping techniques and your powers. We may be able to get all of her memories back a lot faster than James here. And erase the code words. " Tony says, watching the screen. Y/n is laying in bed. She's not asleep, as her rate is normal for awake, but her eyes are closed. We hear humming from the speakers. I smile. The girl we know may not be buried so deep after all.

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