Chapter 13

64 0 0

Edited 10-5-22

Word Count 2080


Y/n has been singing for a while. We all sat and listened through the cameras as she sang sad songs, breakup songs, and even something that Nat referred to as 'pop' music. Most were simply accompanied by y/n playing an instrument, but some of them had her friend playing something or sound coming from the board they were using. All were beautiful though. I was so entranced with how she sings, and how her expressions made the music feel different with each song, that I almost didn't notice her stop and start talking to her friend about a new setlist.



"Alright. All of those songs were fantastic!" Hannah says after we finish the first setlist. I'm already tired. After all the Avengers training and the setlist, I really just want to go to bed. But, I know that I need to practice and get my other setlist down. I sit and grab the papers, and then turn to Hannah.

"Okay. So, I don't want to sing country. I have to prepare my voice for that and after doing ten songs, it's not the best choice. I'm thinking we do these instead. A little of old-timey feel instead."

She nods and looks at the newly added songs. She writes some things down and then looks at me expectantly.

"Okay, I like it. Do you want to start with this list right now, or take a small break?" She asks. I can tell the break is more for her than me, and that she probably wants to meet and talk to the Avengers. I smile.

"Actually, I'd like to take a break and drink something. It's only been ten songs and I'm already tired. How about we go back upstairs for a bit?" I say. She grins and we grab our phones and walk toward the elevator.

"So, despite being an awesome singer, why are you living with the Avengers? Are you some super-secret spy?" She teases. I tense. I didn't tell her that I had powers or anything about my past.

"I was trained in combat when I was younger. Stark said he'd pay for some gigs and such if I helped train new S.H.I.E.L.D recruits." I lie easily and the elevator doors open. We step out and automatically notice everyone is oddly quiet and looking like they got quiet.

"Um. Hey. Did something happen? Yall look like you got caught with your hand in a cookie jar." I say. Everyone looks up at me, and Stark smiles.

"I'll just come out and say it. We were watching you rehearse on the cameras. Everyone is being weird because they thought you'd be mad." He says as he gets up and pours a drink. There seems to be alcohol literally everywhere in this compound. I smile and look around at the red cheeks littering some of their faces. I can't help it and giggle.

"You guys thought I'd be mad that you guys were watching me rehearse? I perform for strangers literally every week. Hell, you all could have sat your happy asses down on the couch downstairs and I wouldn't have cared. It's part of performing. People watch and listen. I'd be insulted if you didn't want to watch." I say, walking over to the kitchen and opening the fridge.
"Hannah, do you want a drink before we get to the second setlist?" I ask, grabbing some iced tea for me. She nods and I grab her a beer. She smiles when I hand it to her.

"Well y/n, are you going to introduce me to everyone or are we just going to stand here looking at each other like utter idiots?" She asks, popping the top off of the bottle and taking a swig.

"Everyone, Hannah. Hannah, meet everyone." I say, smirking when half the room rolls their eyes.
"Whatever.  I'll hang out with your new friends. Tell embarrassing stories." Hannah says, plopping herself down next to Sam and smirking. Girl's got game, I can tell you that.

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