Chapter 4

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Edited 10-5-22

Word count: 1901

I stare at the tower in front of me. It's huge. I sigh and walk through the doors.

"Hello. Can I help you?" A nice lady asks as I walk into the building.

"Yes. I'm here for a meeting with Mr. Stark?" I say. She smiles and nods. 

"Miss. Y/n I presume?" She says. I nod slightly.

"Follow me to the elevator. F.R.I.D.A.Y will take you to Mr. Starks office." She says as she leads me to an expensive-looking elevator. 

"Thank you." I say as I get into the elevator. She smiles again.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. take Miss. Y/n to Mr. Starks office. Alert him that his guest is here." She says and then the doors shut. I wait patiently until the door dings. "Deep breathe y/n. You can do this. It's just a meeting." I say as I step out.

"Miss Y/n? Hello, My name is Steve, aka Captain America. You can call me Steve. Tony is waiting for us in the conference room with everyone else." 

"I'm aware of who you are. After all, you are the reason I have to be here today at all. The conference room? I thought this was just a simple meeting." I say. I know that he only wants help and to make sure I don't destroy the world or whatever, but if he hadn't scoped me out then I wouldn't be on his friends' stupid Radar.

"It is just a meeting. But we are a team and like to meet everyone, so almost all meetings are in the conference room. Don't worry. No one is going to do anything. Just say hi and meet you." Steve says as we make it to the room. A big glass table is surrounded by people, some I recognize from the news and last night, while others are new. Certain people stick out, like a large man with blonde hair and cape, and someone with red skin who seems to be floating a bit. 

"Ah! Y/n! Nice to see you again! I'm happy you decided to meet with us. I know how hard it can be to meet new people." Tony says and then gets up to shake my hand. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't really have much of a choice in the matter. When the Avengers want you to see them, you do it. And meeting new people isn't the reason I don't want to be here. Make this quick." I say and sigh. Everyone looks at me with shocked expressions, except one man who I just now notice is the only one not at the table. He smirks and for a second we lock eyes. I smile slightly, thinking about how blue they are. I hear Tony chuckle as he pulls out a seat for me.

"Spunky. I already like you." He says as he sits down.
"So. Clearly, you already know what we do as the Avengers, and I know that you have some special powers that would come in handy. We would like for you to be a member of the team.  I understand you don't want anything to do with this. We will train you, give you a place to stay in the tower, and you will have your own suit. We have a gym designed specifically for those with powers, like Wanda and Vis. Now, I know that working for the government and saving the world from whatever comes isn't something you want to do. But without the ability to watch you full time and make sure your powers are in check, joining us is the only way we can keep you out of jail." Tony says. I sigh. I knew he was lying when he said I could leave whenever I wanted to after this. That son of a bitch.

"Last time someone 'Promised' that being on a team was good, I ended up stuck in a lab with people experimenting on me. So... Hard pass. I'm not joining your stupid team of misfit superheroes, and I'm not going to 'jail' either. You guys can fuck off. I'll leave New York tonight, that way you won't have to worry about 'watching' me. Goodbye dollar store version of the Justice league."  I say as I get up and walk to the door. Suddenly a hand is on my wrist.

"As much as you just hurt the feelings of everyone in this room, we can't let you go. At least not till we see what exactly all your powers are, and how much control you have over them. I know that you don't want to do this, but It's your best option. We aren't that bad. I don't know what group or who you were with before, but we won't do anything to hurt you. Please just give us a chance?" I turn and see Steve was the one who gave me that little speech.

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