Chapter 37

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Word count 1332

"Hey chicka, since I got done first, you're gonna train with me till someone else comes." Sam says as he walks in. I've already stretched and was punching a bag. I nod, and after one more punch that may have caused a giant hole in it, I walk over to him.

"Okay. We are going to do hand-to-hand combat." I nod and unwrap my hands.  I smile at him and get into a relaxed fighting position. He beckons me forward. This is going to be fun.


"Ow. Jesus girl. You got strength." Sam says. the last 45 minutes have been filled with me taking him down. I've let him slowly get close to winning and then pin him. It's been quite comical.

"I think we are done. Can you get off of me so I can pick myself and my ego off the floor?" He says, Chuckling.  I had forgotten that I had my knees straddling him while I held his hands down. I blush and move.

"I'm guessing Steve and Bucky didn't tell you that because of my powers my strength is pretty much like theirs? I have super soldier strength but without the serum." I say. He smiles.

"No. They didn't. I'm thinking it's because they wanted me to get my ass kicked. Anyways, good job." He says, going and getting a water bottle. I smile.

"It was fun watching him get beat up."
I turn and see Bucky and Steve standing in the doorway. They both have grins and seem to be getting over a laughing fit.

"How long have you been standing there watching me get my ass handed to me?" Sam says, glaring at the two super soldiers.

"About 20 minutes. I figured we'd better not get involved if she could whoop your ass that easy." Bucky says. I smile.

"Well, I think Sam is beaten. Who's next?" I ask, smiling. Everyone seems to be in a great mood.

"Steve." Sam says almost instantly. Steve shrugs and comes to the mat.

"Come on Captain. Don't go easy on me." I say. He chuckles and we begin circling. He throws a few punches, but I dodge. I smile and drop my hands. I have a plan. Steve makes his way behind me and then I strike. Using all of my strength,  I pull him over me and throw him to the ground. I then twist my body and hold him there, my hand resting against his neck, not enough to squeeze, but showing my warning. He taps out after trying to get me off for about 10 minutes. I smile and help him up.

"That was good y/n, you've gotten much quicker and have figured out a way to read your opponents before they move." He says. I smile and walk to get a drink. The guys talk amongst themselves.

I sit and stretch for a minute and then walk over to the group.

"So, do I get to fight Bucky now?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind, with him turning so I am now in front.  He frowns at my words and then looks at the others. Right as I was about to speak I hear Tony. 

"Who broke open a punching bag and then let it sit and pour sand everywhere?" He says. I look down.

"I hadn't realized the hole was bad enough to cause sand to fall out. I'll clean it up." I say. He looks over.

"You did that all in one sitting? Did you take something this morning? I swear you are even more god-like than usual." He says, shaking his head.

"Not that um aware of. Unless one of you spiked my food or drink, everything was normal." I say. I look up at Bucky.

"Please fight with me? Pretty please?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he sighs.

"Fine. But you have to tell me if you need to stop or if It's too much." He says. I smile and nod, and then let go of him and move away. We walk to the mat and get into positions. I can tell he is hesitant to fight and decide to use it to my advantage. After all, I have been training with Natasha. She told me what to use on him.

"Alright doll, are you ready?" He says, looking at me. I nod. We spare with hands for a while, neither one really making a dent. I can tell he is bored, so I up it a bit and actually hit him in the chest. This takes him by surprise,  and I know we will actually fight now. He finally pins me on my back, catching my arms and locking me in his arms as he held down. I know what to do. I stare into his eyes and then bite my lip. His eyes widen as I push myself up to kiss him. He released my hands, and I instead roll around and pull his arm behind him, effectively locking him in place on the ground, pined with me on top of his back. I smile.

"Come on Sargeant.  Don't ever lose focus." I say in his ear.  I kiss his cheek and let go, getting up. He chuckles.

"You won fair and square." He says, lifting himself up. I grin. Sam and Steve are staring.

"Come on boys. I want to go get a snack." I say and walk away. As I'm walking,  I hear Sam.

"Dude, you had her.  What happened?" In the corner of my eye, I see Bucky blush.
"Nothing. She just found a weak spot."


"Of course, your knife throwing is still perfect." Nat says, watching me get another knife exactly in the heart of our target.

"I missed this." I say. The guys were behind us sparing and working out.

"You are fantastic at it. Can you shoot this good too? I know Bucky said you were good with guns, but I never got to see it." She says. I smile. This also works as a gun range.

"Hand me one and find out." She passes me a tray with a small handgun and several rounds. I smile.

"Ready?" Nat asks,  pushing the button to clear the target and get me another. Several start to shoot out. Interactive. Fun. I shoot each in the head, and then reload and hit the ones coming. She stops them coming and then presses a button to pull them forward. As they line up, we see just how good my aim really is. The hole is in the same place on everyone and you can see through all of them to the very back of the range.

"Every time I think you couldn't get better at something,  you surprise me.  That's a clean shot through and through.  In about 25 of them. How?" Steve says, walking over.

"I'm just that good?" I say, moving the tray away from my spot.

"Clearly. Let's go get lunch hun. Tony said he has your suit ready and then Wanda wants to see if your powers are back up to par." Nat says. I nod. I take my hair out of its high pony and shake it out. I grab my jacket and bag and walk with everyone to the kitchen. I decide to cook. I pull my hair back into a low bun and then wash my hands. Bucky comes over and follows suit.

"What are you making? He asks.

"Tacos. I had shells bought and put in the kitchen. Can you grab the defrosted beef from the fridge please?" I say. We start cooking. Well, I start cooking. Bucky keeps staring at me and sometimes helping. I get all the food ready and then call everyone over.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, Announce that lunch is done to those who aren't here right now. Thank you." I say. Making a plate and then going and sitting down.

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