Chapter 10

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Edited 10-5-22

Word count: 1007

"This is really good Nat!" Wanda says as she takes a bite of lunch. Nat made salad, and it is delicious.  After we got back to the compound, Bucky and I headed upstairs to the kitchen where everybody was starting to sit down for lunch.

"Thanks, Wan. So Bucky, Y/n, how'd the shooting range go?" Nat asks as she grabs her drink and took a sip.

"It went well. Y/n can definitely shoot. She doesn't really need any more training. She hit right into the bulls-eye with every gun I handed her. Can't wait to see how she does with knives."
Bucky smiles at me. I blush at his praise,  looking down at my food.

"Knives? You are good with knives?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. My weapon of choice other than my powers is knives. I guess being good at darts as a teenager helps." I say, trying to lighten the mood that settled when Bucky said I was good at shooting. It's like everyone assumed I would be terrible and not know what I was doing. We all ate in silence after that, with the small conversation here and there. As people started to finish eating, Wanda came and sat down next to me.

"I know you've had a lot of training today, so I understand if you want to skip power training. If not, we will meet in the powers gym in 10 minutes." She says. Smiling at me.

"I'm okay actually. I feel pretty good. I'll grab water and meet you down there okay?" I say, getting up and rinsing my plate. I grab my water bottle, refilling it. Then I grab a Gatorade and head downstairs to the training floor.

"Alright Princessa, which power would you like to use today?" Pietro was with me and Wanda.

"Well, preferably water. It works best when I'm carefree like this. Plus, it's not as hard on me as the others." I say, looking at the twins.

"Water it is. Peit, can you grab a bucket, towels, and some water?" Wanda asks, coming and leading me to a small corner.

A blur of blue and silver disappears and then Pietro shows up with everything Wanda asks.

"Alright. First, I want you to pull the water out of the bucket, and suspend it." Wanda says, setting everything down slowly,  turning to me. I smile and close my eyes, clearing my head and then feeling that familiar cooling sensation running through my body. I open my eyes and flick my wrist, pulling the water out of the bucket and suspending it in the air. Then I decided to have some fun. I twisted the water in the air, making it turn all sorts of ways until it was a beautiful clear flower. I smiled and looked at Wanda, still suspending the water.

"Interesting. Okay, hun. Now, I want to see if you can make the water multiply. I only had Peit fill the bucket a quarter of the way, so try and fill it up as much as possible." I nod and look back at the water bubble. I slowly flick it back toward the bucket, setting it nicely in the bucket without spilling a drop. I then focus on drawing the moisture from the air. I feel my body become increasingly cool, and feel the water droplets from the air around me cling to my skin. I smile and walk toward the bucket I lift my arms, and then place them in the bucket, releasing all the water that was clinging to me. I stop and sit down, looking at Wanda expectantly. She comes and looks in the bucket, and then looks at me with a huge grin on her face. I take a quick look at the clock and realize that doing this took almost an hour.

"Very good! That was amazing!" Now, if you still can, try and freeze the water."  I smirk. My favorite thing. I pull the water out of the bucket and then shape it into a large snowflake. Then I tap it with my fingers, and it freezes in that shape. I smile and hold it in the air with my powers,  looking at them. Pietro stands with his mouth wide open, and Wanda just looks amazed. I smile and then melt the ice, turning it back into water and placing it in the bucket.

"Well, we know you can make it go into different forms. Now, I'm wondering if you can protect yourself with the power, or if it's strictly offensive.  Can you make a wall or shield-like block for me?" Wanda asks. I stand up, and walk over to a clear area. I pull the water, stretching it out from ceiling to floor. Wanda pushes a small energy ball, but it doesn't pierce. Then I freeze it, effectively making an ice wall.

"Very good. That's great. So we know how fire and water work!" I hear clapping from behind me, and turn. Bruce, Tony, Steve, and Bucky were standing behind a glass wall, staring at the ice I made. I suddenly feel Ill.  I start to sway and sit down.

"Are you okay hun? Need some Gatorade or water?" Wanda says, coming up to me and holding my drinks. I give her a small smile and take a sip. It helps a little, but I feel my vision swimming. 

"I over-exerted myself again. I'll be fine. Just need to rest. I haven't used any of my powers to the full capacity in almost 2 years." I say, slowly drooping. The last thing I feel before I close my eyes is a cold metal hand behind me, and myself being lifted up.

A/N- Whoooooo! 3 chapters in one day. I apologize if these are bad. I got my second covid dose and it made me feel icky. Have a great rest of your week, and I'll try and update again!

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