Chapter 42

41 0 0

Edited 11-15-22
Word count 1092


"We're here. Everyone move slow. We don't want to scare him off." Steve says as we follow the Hydra agent in different areas. We all decided to split up. Steve said he wanted to team up with me for the old days, but I know he's with me to keep the winter soldier at bay.

"It looks like he's meeting someone." Nat says. They put us in the area farthest away from him, so I can't see the bastard right now. I clench my fist.

"I'll run recognition if you send me a photo." Tony stayed on the jet. He can't do anything without his stupid metal suit, so we don't need him right now. Just his brain.

"Incoming into you now. They have a group now. I think we caught them at a perfect time." I hear Clint say. I smile. More people to kill if I have to.

"Nat, Clint, and Wanda. Move in and see how many we have exactly. Try and get them into a place without civilians. We don't want any innocents hurt." Steve is watching me carefully.

"Shit. They spotted us. MOVE IN." I immediately switch from calm. In a matter of seconds, I'm face to face with a Hydra operative.

"Hello." That is all I say, deadly calm. I see the fear flash in his eyes. In Hydra, my reputation can make even the most fearless scares shitless. I grab his shirt and punch him. He immediately goes out. So much for strong agents. I toss him to Steve and he handcuffs him and then we continue moving.


"So. Care to tell me about yourself?" Nat is the one running this interrogation. I sigh. After a few beatings of the Hydra scum, I was told to take a step back.

"What can I tell you that you don't already know?" The man says. He's got a busted lip and black eye from when I punched him, and I have a slight feeling that he may have a broken nose.

"How about where y/n l/n is?" She gets to the question at hand. Even the mention of her makes my heart hurt.
He laughs. Sickeningly.

"You think we'd let you get our greatest asset back? You will never find her. Least of all as the sweet girl you once knew. Right now they are probably tearing into her. Making her our little bitch again." I grind my teeth. Fuck taking a step back. I walk into the room and pull him up by his neck. He starts turning purple.

"How fucking dare you. Now. You are going to tell me where the fuck she is, and I'll make this as quick as possible.  Lie to me and you'll see why people are afraid of the winter soldier. Understood?" I don't feel him clawing at my metal arm, but his slight nod makes me release. He laughs.

"I guess they were right. The mighty winter soldier fell in love. I'll tell you where she is, but I don't think you'll like the new her. She won't be too happy to see you." He looks at us.

"We had no need for y/n. Crystal warrior, however, well. She's Hydra's best asset. Cold. The best killer we've ever had. Do you think your body count is high? She's brought down entire companies and buildings with nothing more than a flick. We needed to make sure every bit of the useless girl was gone. She lasted a long time too. Longer than normal. In the end. She broke. They always do. Right winter soldier?" He says, throwing that fucking name in my face. I punch him repeatedly and surprisingly, no one stops me. I stop when he stops moving and get up and walk away. I know exactly where I'm going. Her room.
I sit on the bed that we shared every night and hold my shirt in my hands. This was the one she wore the night before my world fell apart. It smells like her scent, and for a second, I forget she's gone.

"Buck? Are you in there?" Steve pulls me out of my head. I don't answer, but I do feel the bed dip as he comes and sits next to me.

"They are torturing her. He said that she lasted a long time, but finally gave in. I know what that means. It means she's forgotten me." I say, tears in my eyes.

"You forgot me, Buck. We will get her back. She will remember you.  You just have to trust that her feelings are strong enough to help you guys through this. You love her don't you?"
He asks. I nod.

"Of course I love her. I haven't lived with anyone like this before. She makes me forget about all the shit that Hydra did. Makes me forget being tortured. About killing people. She makes me truly remember what it is to be me." He looks at me and smiles.

"Then you have to trust that she will come back. It might take a while to bring her back as your y/n, but she will come back." Steve tells me. He's right. She wouldn't want me like this. She asked me to stay as the person she knows.

"You're right. She will come back. I will get her back."

"Mr. Rogers. Mr. Barnes. Mr. Stark requests your presence in conference room B."

"Let's go see what Tony has." Steve says. We get up and walk to the elevator, heading downstairs.

"We found her. Or rather, she found us. This was captured this morning." Tony's news is one of the best things in my life. He pulls up a photo of her. At least, I think it's her. She's completely different. I want to scream at the look in her eyes.

"What happened to her?" Out of all of us, you'd think that Wanda wouldn't ask that question, but she did.

"They broke her. That's not y/n. That's the Hydra asset. I believe they called her the crystal warrior." Nat is the one who answers. I look at the beautiful girl on the screen. Behind the makeup and the pain in her eyes, I know is the girl I love.

"Did you finish interrogating all of the captured agents?" I ask. I want to know exactly what they did so I can repay the favor. I look over and see that Nat looks just as mad.

"No. Why don't you come with me." I smile at the look in her eyes.

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