Chapter 41

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A/n- After the last chapter, I'm excited about this next part of the book.  This chapter is a bit short. A filler. Enjoy! Comment, Vote, and thank you for reading! -L

Edited 11-15-22

Word count 933


"You have a damn tracker on her. How have we not found her yet?" I yell, causing Tony to flinch. It's been two weeks since the mission that we lost y/n on. I'm going insane. We haven't heard from her or had any sign of her or hydra.

"Bucky, every time we get a lead, it's fake. The tracker seems to be disconnected or they are keeping her underground where it doesn't work. We are trying. We miss her too." Steve says, putting an arm around my shoulders. I shrug him off.

"2 weeks Steve. You've never been with hydra, but the damage they can do is astronomical. We don't even know if she's alive." My head is in my hands. I keep replaying her last words in my head. I love you. I never got to say it back. 

"I know Buck. You miss her. She gave herself to them to protect all of us. Especially you. We will get her back." He says. I nod and get up to go to the gym. I need to hit something.


"The faster you break, the faster this will be over." A man says to me. He looks over to the guy in a white coat who has been running the chair I am currently attached to.

"Never." I say, spitting the mouthguard at him. He grabs my neck, cutting off the air.

"You will not disrespect me like that." He shoves the mouth guard back in and then turns.

"Keep doing it. Use her trigger words. I want her compliant. We need our strongest asset back." I breathe shakingly. I hold on to one person when the pain starts. I feel my memories slipping away. 'No. I won't forget' Is all I can think before I pass out from the pain. I awake a few moments later, hearing the words that I know will take me away.

"покраснение" I cry at the first word, my vision moving.

 "желание" The pain changes into a subtle pounding. I know everything will turn hazy.

 "шесть" My past memories fade, leaving me with the newest ones. I hold on.

 "розы" I feel the numbness coming on.

 "одна" 'Please forgive me' I think.

 "тоска" I picture singing with Nat and Wanda. I tear up as they fade away

 "серебро" Sam and I cooking. Pietro dancing. Gone.

 "мгновение" Steve and Bucky watching Tv looking confused. Throwing pillows at Thor. 

"долина" Every memory with Bucky flashes. I hold on for as long as possible. Blackness creeps up into my eyes. Every kiss, laugh. Blushing. The look in his eyes when I sang. Telling him I love him. 'I love you' is my last thought before everything is gone, and a fuzzy and numb feeling replaces my emotions.


"готов подчиниться" I respond. They let me out of the chair, and I look into the mirror, wiping tears from my face. Tears? I don't cry. I don't feel. 

"Now My dearest crystal warrior. I have much to express to you." The man talking has a hideous-looking grin on his face. 

"I would love to talk, But first get me out of this awful outfit." I say, Looking at an unknown logo on my clothes. It sparks an unknown feeling in me and I shake it off. After I change into my Hydra uniform, they are surprisingly relaxed around me. I have more freedom. They told me I killed someone named Chris, and by doing so effectively proved my loyalty.  They said I loved him, but I can't feel anything except pain and numbness. I get called into a room to receive my next mission. They hand me a file containing a photo of a very handsome man with piercing blue eyes.

"Your mission is to bring him back to us. We'd prefer alive, but kill him if necessary." I nod at the man giving me orders. It's best to stay quiet if I don't want to bleed out on my floor.

"If I may ask, who is he?"

"His name is the winter soldier, and he is your mission."


"We have facial recognition on an identified hydra agent. He was seen leaving a place in Belgium." Tony says once everyone is in the conference room. I sigh. We've been looking with no luck. Until now.

"Y/n did say they have placed all over." Nat said.

"We have some field agents who are currently in Belgium following him. We hope to capture him and we will be traveling in 20 minutes to meet and interrogate him." I get up and go to grab my stuff.

"Bucky, slow down! We don't know if he knows anything and they haven't actually captured him yet." Sam says, running to catch up with me.

"I don't care if he knows or not. Until I get her back, I'm hunting down every one of those bastards." I say. I need her back. She keeps the winter soldier at bay. Sam nods and slightly pales, and then moves out of my way. I don't care what I have to do, or who I have to kill, I am getting her back.

We suit up and I decide to let out the one person, including myself, people are scared of.

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