Chapter 48

42 0 0

Edited 11/15/22

Word count: 1196


I yawn and stretch, feeling a warm breath on my neck. I turn and smile, remembering last night.

"He loves me." I whisper to myself, touching my lips. My grin is infectious. I smile when I turn and look at the clock. It's 9. Time to get up. I get a deliciously evil thought in my head. I slowly get up and move onto his lap. His breathing changes slightly but he doesn't wake up. My grin gets bigger when I realize some time in the night Bucky lost his shirt. I slowly start to kiss his stomach. I feel him start to stir, and I continue my kisses up to where his vibranium arm meets. I smile when I feel his hands move to slowly hold my thighs. I continue kissing every scar that connects his arm to his body. And move to his neck. I linger there, feeling his hands move up to my stomach under my shirt. He doesn't go any farther. I smirk into his neck, moving up and kissing his jaw. I look at his face and his blue eyes are staring back at me, happiness alight in them.

I hover over his lips, smiling. He leans forward connecting our lips.

"Good morning." I say, catching my breath after pulling away.

"Good morning.  That was quite the wake-up." I smile.

"Was it? I guess I shouldn't do it again then. Wouldn't want to cut your beauty sleep short." He flips us over, now hovering over me, hands on either side. His dog tags dangle in between.

"Oh no. I'm not complaining. I quite enjoyed waking up to your kisses." He says, kissing my neck. I chuckle.

"Buck, we have to get up. I'm sure they will be looking for me right about now. You never did take me back to my other room." He continues his torturously slow pace up my neck.

"Let them look. We are busy." He smashes his lips against mine, and I entwine my hands around his neck. All of my objections melt away. I wrap my legs around his waist and he moves so I'm on his lap straddling him. F.R.I.D.A.Y pulls us out of our little makeout session.

"Mr. Rogers is looking for you, Mr. Barnes. Shall I tell him you are here?" I hear him sigh and he pulls away for a moment.

"Tell him I'm busy and will come to see him when I'm done." He continues kissing me. I realize I might have to be the one to break this little slice of heaven up.

"Buck, as much as I-" I'm interrupted by kisses.
"Want to continue this," he slides his hands up and down my waist.
"We should really go down and-" He softly bites a spot on my neck. I bite back a moan. I feel his smirk on my neck.
"Talk to everyone before they break down the door." I finally finish what I was saying. He sighs and gives me one last lingering kiss before he pulls away, touching our foreheads together. He smiles at me goofily.

"We'll finish this later." He says, picking me up and then setting me down. I giggle.

"Whatever you say, sergeant." I say, winking before I go into my closet. I hear him groan. I grab a pair of leggings and some undergarments, making sure they match. I walk out and wait for Bucky to walk in, carrying a shirt for me. I smile and slip it over my head.

"Ready to go doll?" He asks once I get my shoes on. I nod and unsurprisingly he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he uses the metal arm to hold me up. We get into the elevator. I kiss his neck.

"Y/n." He whispers in a low voice. I pull away and look at him innocently.

"Yes, Buck?" I ask. He just looks at me.

"I may have 80 years of self-control,  but you are making it incredibly difficult." I smile and kiss him.

"That was my plan." I say. He shakes his head and chuckles and then walks out into the common room.

"Y/n! Bucky! There you are!" We got worried when you weren't in your room earlier." Steve comes over. Bucky reluctantly set me down.

"Y/n Couldn't sleep so I took her to her room." I smile. 

"Yep. No reason to worry.  I didn't kill him." I see several shocked faces.

"We didn't-" Sam starts to say, but I stop him.

"Sam, I'm playing.  Lighten up, sweetie. You are too stiff. You all are. Gosh." Everyone's worried faces turn to smirks.

"Even if she did kill me, I wouldn't have complained.  There are worse ways to die than by the hands of a beautiful woman." Bucky says, wrapping his arms around me. I see wide eyes and grins somehow get bigger.

"I KNEW IT! YOU OWE ME 50 BUCKS ROGERS!" Sam yelled. Steve chuckled and grabbed money from his wallet.  I watch as other Avengers discreetly hand each other money.

"Wait a damn minute. Did you all bet on this?" I ask, pointing to Bucky and me.

"Yes. Everyone could see it but you guys. Jesus the tension was killing me. Being able to read both of your thoughts was so annoying." Wanda says, coming over to me.

"Back to business then. How's your head?" Banner asks, not making me go to the hospital floor.

"Haven't had any complaints so far." I reply without thinking. Everyone looks at me with mouths wide open. Nat starts laughing.

"God I missed you. He was asking about your head as the anatomical body part, not the other thing. But nice job. Bold." She says, winking. I look at her confused, and it hits me. Bucky chuckles and it sets off a chain reaction,  with even Steve cracking a smile.

"Right... My head is fine. It hurt last night but I slept it off." I say.

"My stomach, on the other hand, is a whole other story. Why aren't I healing normally? My wounds should be completely gone by now." I say. Everyone looks confused. 

"I have no idea why you aren't healing. We'll take you down and get some blood and such." Bruce begins writing on a tablet.

"Dear sister, is that a tattoo I saw in a rather revealing place?" Wanda says. I shrug.

"Right. I have a couple of tattoos. That one just happens to only be partially visible. The others... well." She chuckles.

"Alright! I'm starving.  Are we ordering or cooking?" I say.

"Ordering. No one wants to cook."

"Oh. I know just the place! Tony,  card?" He hands it over without question and I grab Bucky's phone out of his back pocket. He comes and picks me up, setting me on the counter and standing in between my legs.

"I like this new you. You seemed more relaxed and happy. I love you either way, but this makes me feel good seeing you like this." He says into my hair. I hold his chin and look at him.

"Not new, just hidden for a bit." I say, kissing him.

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