Chapter 5

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Edited 10-5-22

Word count: 1391

I had finally settled in. Everyone had been extremely nice the last couple of days, but I still hated the fact that I had to stay here. I hadn't gone down to eat with them, and I only opened the door when Steve had someone bring up my stuff from my apartment. They brought me everything except the furniture and things they had here. I begrudgingly put everything away and now was laying on the exceptionally comfortable bed throwing a fireball in the air. The sound of a knock almost makes me miss and catch my hair on fire. 

"What is it?" I ask as I sit up glaring at the door.

"Well... It's Steve. We have dinner downstairs and were wondering if you wanted to join us." I sighed. Of course. The only people who have been willing to come near my door are Wanda and Steve so far. The rest seem to take the hint that I wanted to be left alone.

"No. That's okay. I'm not hungry." I said and went back to laying down. I hear him sigh.

"Y/n. I know you don't want to be here, but if you make an effort to be on the team, and get to know us, you'd get more trust. We are eating Chinese. I'll save you some. " Steve said. I heard him retreat from my door. I understand they are all trying to be helpful and kind, but I can't help but be upset I was stuck in this position. I sighed and got up to fix my hair, and put my jacket on. I've had the heat on high in my room to make fire easier to stay alight without using too touch energy, and I know out there is going to be cold. I sigh, take one last look in the mirror, grab my phone, and head downstairs. 

"Oh my God. Is that y/n I see? She finally comes out!" Stark says sarcastically once he sees me. Everyone turns to see me, and I roll my eyes.

"I can go back upstairs. I'm not too keen on seeing your face either." I say as I turn around. 

"NO. Stay. Ignore Tony.  Most of us do. Come sit! We've got a lot of food." Wanda says as she stands up and pulls me toward the table of food. I snag a plate and put some food on it, and sit in the only available seat. Everyone is staring at me.

"You know, it's incredibly rude to stare." I say. I see some cheeks turn pink, and then everyone starts eating and resumes their conversations.

"So y/n. Now that we got you out of the room, are you planning on joining us for movie night? We talked stark into letting us watch the Hobbit." Steve says. I look up, and everyone is looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"I saw the series when it first came out. Read the books too. I don't think so. I have some things to do." I say and continue eating. 

"You don't have to watch it. Maybe just stay down and hang out?" Natasha said. I smile. It seems like in a testosterone-filled building, the girls could use some company.

"I'll think about it." I say. She nods and everyone settles into a comfortable silence. I pull out my phone and start typing. I've been trying my hand at writing music instead of just doing covers.

"So. Whatcha writing " I hear in my ear. I jump a little.

"Jesus fuck.  Don't do that. I could have caught somebody on fire or done something bad." I say and look next to me. Pietro chuckled and held his hands up in surrender.

"So you control fire huh? Neat. Steve said you controlled water. Is it both?" The dining room had gotten eerily quiet. 

"Actually. I control all elements. Air, water, fire, earth, and sometimes molecules. Depends on how hard I focus." Everyone is staring at me, most with mouths agape.

"That's awesome! Do you think you can show us tomorrow?" I look at Wanda. She seems so excited, and I don't have the heart to tell her no.

"I guess I could. It's nothing special.  I've had the ability ever since I got into a car accident with my family. The car caught on fire, and somehow I survived. I woke up and could suddenly make water and fire appear in thin air." I say. I don't like talking about my past, and decided that I had enough of 'team bonding'. I move to get up and everyone follows.

"Everyone put the dishes in the sink. I'll go get the snacks and stuff.  Steve, Clint, come with." Tony said. Everyone moved to put dishes in the sink and then went into the living room. I didn't want to go back upstairs yet, but I also didn't want to sit through the hobbit again. I settled on doing the pile of dishes from dinner. Maybe after that I can say I spent enough time around them and they'd leave me alone for a while. I take off my jacket and get to work cleaning dishes.

"Need some help? You wash I'll dry?" A quiet voice says. I jump a little at the sound. I look around. The man from the conference room was standing next to me, awkwardly pulling on the hem of his shirt, looking at me expectantly. I looked him up and down. I didn't even notice he was in the room earlier,  and start to feel bad. My eyes land on his arm. Well, at least I think it's his arm. It's pure metal.

"Um sure. Thanks." I say and smile. He grabs a hand towel and begins drying the dishes I already washed.

"I'm sorry I haven't formally introduced myself. I'm Bucky." He says after a while. Bucky. Hmm.

"Y/n. Nice to meet you." I say as I hand him another dish.

"You too. So, why aren't you watching the movie?" He asks. I look down. I probably shouldn't tell him it's because I didn't want to be here in the first place.

"Seen it a few times. Not my favorite of fantasy movies. You?" He smiles.

"I remember when the book first came out. Don't think I can just watch the movie after all this time." I giggle. He remembered when the hobbit FIRST came out? He couldn't be older than 27.

"The book came out in 1937, how could you remember that? What, are you like 100?" I say as I finish the last dish and hand it to him.

"Technically, yes. Close to that. I was born in 1917. A year before Steve." He says. I look at him wide-eyed.

"Jesus, There's two of you? Wow." I say. He furrows his brows.

"What do you mean two of us?" He asks. At first I thought he was mad, but when I looked up he was smiling curiously.

"Two super soldier war heroes ya know. So if he's captain America, who are you?" He smiles sadly and shakes his head.

"You think I'm like Steve? A superhero?" He asks so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

"Well yeah. You wouldn't be in the Avengers tower talking to me if you weren't.  Isn't that why everyone is here? They save the world and do good things?" I say and hop up to sit on the counter, looking at him. His steel blue eyes are drawing me in.

"Um. Right. Superheros. Saving the world." He said and started walking away.

"Hey. Are you okay? Did I say something rude? I don't even realize it sometimes." I say as I look down at my hands. I normally wouldn't care if I hurt someone's feelings, especially an avenger right now, but something about his man, with steel blue eyes and a metal arm makes me feel bad. I don't want to hurt him.

" No. You didn't say anything rude. I'm just tired." He says and smiles. He turns and walks away to the elevator.

"Well okay. It was nice talking to you." I say and slide off the counter. That was weird. I sigh, grab my jacket and walk to the elevator.
"Enjoy the movie guys." I say and a few people wave before the elevator doors shut.

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