Chapter 3

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Edited 10-5-22

Word count: 575


I shut the door and walked up the stairs to my apartment. I knew using my powers was a bad idea tonight, but I just got my jacket drycleaned and on a musician's salary, there's no way I can afford to dry clean this jacket more than twice a month. I only wore it tonight because I was late, and it was cold.

"God fucking dammit. WHAT WAS I THINKING?" I whisper yelled as I took off my shoes and set my things down. Catching the eyes of the Avengers? Did I have a death wish? Everyone knew that if you got on the Avengers radar there were only two options. Join them in fighting whatever the fuck they fight, or end up in prison because you become a 'threat'. I mean, there is the third option, but no one I've ever heard of had willingly chosen it. Who would want to go on the run from a group of superheroes? I sighed and went to my fridge to grab a drink. Normally I would have stayed at the bar to drink and eat with Paul, but as soon as I noticed the Avengers staring at me in the crowd, I immediately wanted to get the hell out of there. I only stayed for a quick drink so as not to look suspicious. I waved my fingers and made the glass of water in my hand nice and cool and took a sip.

Yes. I had powers. Quite a few to be exact. Unless you count the ability to control and conquer elements one power. I set the glass down and rummaged through the fridge. I'm not really hungry, but I can't stop thinking and need something mundane to do to calm my mind. I shut the fridge and walk into my room. The sheets are exactly as I left them. I sigh. Normally when I would get home after a show, Chris would be here. It's been three months since we broke up, the asshat betraying me, yet I still miss the feeling of warmth next to me when I sleep. It's been a long night, so I decide to just call it and get ready for bed. Once I've finished showering and getting ready, I crawl under the blankets and grab my phone.

"Hmm. Someone texted me. " I say out loud as I unlock and look at the message

'It's Tony Stark. I know You don't want to hear from me or any of the Avengers, But we could really use another enhanced on the team. Just come for an interview, that way Cap can stop bugging you. If after you meet everyone and see the tower, you still don't want to be an avenger, we'll leave you alone. No questions asked. Please come to Avengers tower tomorrow at 2 PM.'

I sigh and think about the message. He said they would leave me alone if I at least meet with them. I can do that. If anything, I'll agree to a small trial period and then never have to see them again. I shoot back a simple reply.

'Fine, 2 PM. I'm only staying for thirty minutes, and I don't want any tests ran on me. I guess I'll see everyone tomorrow.'

I press send and rollover. Meeting at Avengers tower. How on earth and I going to be able to get through that?

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