Chapter 51

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Edited: 11-15-22

Word count: 803


Waking up next to y/n after last night is the greatest feeling of all time. I turn and see her beautiful face, covered by some of her hair. My eyes roam down and I'm taken away by her body. I close my eyes and trace my fingers down her side, remembering last night.

"What are you thinking about?" A sweet feminine voice pulls me from
My thoughts. I smile.

"You." I say. She turns to look at me, a sleepy smile on her face.

"What about me?" She asks, playing along and leaning in to kiss me.

"Just how much I love you. How beautiful you are. How you are amazing in every way." She giggles.

"If you wanted to get lucky all you had to do was ask. No need to suck up." She says as she moves and straddles my waist. Her e/c eyes stare into mine, and she kisses me deeply.

"I wasn't sucking up. I mean it. I love you."

"I love you too." She says before she starts kissing me. I feel her trail her hands down my chest and grin into the kiss. Talk about a wake-up call. Time to repeat last night.


"Mmm. We need to shower and go downstairs.  I start training again today." I say, laying on Bucky's chest.

"Or we could stay in here all day. Screw training." Bucky says. I giggle.

"As much as I would love to stay in here with you all day and continue enjoying this, I promised Steve I'd train with him so he could learn to fend off enhanced better. Unless you want your best friend to come in here while I'm naked looking for me, I suggest we get up." I sit up and kiss him.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, Inform Steve that my girlfriend and I are busy this week. His training can wait." Bucky says. I roll my eyes.

"You're lucky I love you." I say.

"Yeah. I am. The luckiest." Bucky says.


"Mm. You should order food from that taco truck. I'm craving chicken tacos." Bucky and I have been laying in bed all day, watching Tv and enjoying each other's company.  Bucky chuckles but grabs his phone. He put on sweatpants and I was wearing his shirt.

"Do you want the same stuff you usually order or just the tacos?" He asks. I grin and kiss him.

"Wholemeal I usually get please." He nods and then calls it in, getting two of everything. 

"I love you." He grins.

"Are you talking to me or the food?" He asks.

"Both. I love the food,  and I love you because you got it for me." I say in between bites. Never talk with your mouth full.

"I'll take it. Although I'm pretty sure you love the food more right now." He says.

"We can't stay in here all week. What do you want to do?" I ask. His face lights up.

"I'm taking you on a date tomorrow. " He says.

"Ohh. Where are we going?" I ask, curious and excited.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out at a later time. " He says. I pout.
"It's not gonna work doll. You'll find out tomorrow." He says, kissing me.

"Fine.  I'll wait." I say.

"Do you have rehearsal Wednesday again?" Bucky asks. I nod.

"Yes. I have a gig Friday night and Saturday. Hannah will be coming over around 7." I smile at his thoughtfulness. 

"Am I allowed to go?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"When have you not been allowed to go?"

"I'm just checking doll. You know I love watching you perform." I smile.

"Of course, you are allowed to go. I need you to keep all creeps off of me. Plus, you will want to be there Saturday." He raises his eyebrows.  I smirk.

"Why? What type of performance is Saturday?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out at a later date." I say, repeating his earlier words, and pressing a kiss to his lips. After we finish eating,  we settle back down and watch lord of the rings. I finally convinced him to watch it. Halfway into the movie, there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say as I pause the movie. Bucky has his arms wrapped around me and doesn't move, just looks up at the door expectingly.

"Are you both clothed?" Sam is the one who speaks first.

"Yes, birdbrain. Now come in or get lost." Bucky answers.

"We are watching a movie downstairs. You two love birds care to join us?" He asks. 

"I finally got Bucky to watch lord of the rings.  We're okay. Thanks for asking." I say. He nods and shuts the door behind him, leaving.  Bucky snuggles deeper into my neck and I unpause the movie.

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