Chapter 15

71 0 4

Edited 10-11-2021

Word Count: 3449

I barely slept after my whole revelation to the team about my past. Every time I closed my eyes I saw that fucking chair. I yawn and look at the clock. 8:00. I sigh. I was supposed to be up 30 minutes ago for training, but it seems that they let me sleep in. I get up and walk over to the closet, grabbing a workout outfit. I throw my hair up into a bun and then head to the elevator. Once I'm in the kitchen, I pop a pod into the coffee machine and walk to the fridge. I'm not feeling my normal bagel and cream cheese this morning, so I look through the fridge until I find what I want. Eggs, milk, bacon, cheese. I head to the cupboard and find pancake mix. I start cooking. I pull out my phone and headphones and start listening to music. Shortly after I finished a rather large stack of pancakes, I hear thundering footsteps.

"I don't know who's cooking, but it smells fantastic and I hope you made enough for everybody." Sam says as he walks in. He smiles when he sees me behind the counter. I sip my coffee and gestured for him to join me.

"Make the eggs and bacon for me?" I say. He nods and goes the grab another pan, while I continue to make pancakes. The piles of food get bigger and bigger. Since Sam was helping me, I unplugged my headphones and we were listening to music. I giggled as Sam starts dramatically singing with the spatula.

"Nice job Sam. You should become a professional." We both turn and see Steve leaning on the door frame smiling.

"I know right? Move over y/n, there's a new singer in town." Sam says as he adds more bacon to the plate. Steve comes over to the counter. 

"This looks good. Did you start cooking?" Steve asks, looking at me. I smile and nod. 

"Yes. F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you tell everyone there is food in the kitchen?" I say, flipping the last pancake onto a plate and then moving to set everything down on the table. Sam, Steve, and I grab some food and sit down. I grab my phone and turn off the music. Everyone starts to trickle in, mumbling about the delicious smell. 

"O.m.g. this is amazing. Is there anything you can't do?" Pietro says, taking a bit of his food. I turn my head and look at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask, getting up to make another cup of coffee.

"I mean, you can sing, dance, cook, kick-ass and you have powers. That's a dream girl if I've ever heard of one." He says. I blush at his comment.

"I hate to break it to you, but I wasn't born with the talents. I learned to cook because my adopted parents didn't like to, I can sing because my mother believed every child should have something to do with the arts, and as for the whole kick-ass and powers thing, I couldn't help that." I say. He rolls his eyes and continues eating.

"What did you mean your mom believed children should have something to do with the arts?" Steve asked. Everyone looks at me.

"My mother had a philosophy for raising children. I imagine if I had ended up with siblings that they would have had to do the same thing. She believed that every child should be able to play an instrument, speak more than one language, and do one sport." I say. Everyone is oddly quiet again. I go back to my seat and sit down, getting back to eating my food. 

"So you play piano, guitar, ukulele, and sing. What can do you for the other requirements?" Wanda asks. I smile.

"Hablo inglés, español, rumano, alemán, ruso y francesa." I say in perfect spanish. Nat smiles at me.

"I did kickboxing and field hockey," I say to answer the other lingering question.

"So you were basically raised to be a badass." Tony says, shaking his head. I giggle.

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