Chapter 28

45 0 3

Edited 10-11-2022

Word count 1454

"Dragostea mea, trebuie să ne ridicăm." Bucky whispers in my ear. I groan and roll over.
(my love, we have to get up)

"Dragă, nu pleca" I respond, throwing my leg over him and grabbing his shirt.

(darling, don't leave)

"Y/n, I have to do training. I promise I will come back to check on you and such. I'll even send Nat and Wanda here until I get back." He says, smoothing my hair down. 

"I don't want Nat and Wanda. I want you." I know it's terrible to keep him from training, but I feel safe with him and know I won't be able to sleep well without him. I hear him sigh and grab his phone and I know I've won. 

"Alright. I'll take the later training section. That way I can stay for the morning." Bucky says, moving back under me and wrapping his arms around me. 

"Yay! now go back to sleep. I'm not ready to get up and adult and want my snuggle buddy!" I say, pulling him as close as I can. I hear him chuckle and then he pulls the blanket up around us. 

"În regulă, iubire. Somn ușor." Bucky says.
(All right, love. sleep well)


I know I should have told her that I had to leave no matter what and then go do training, But her cute little stretch and her saying she wants me Basically solidified my plan for the morning. I know that she has a bit of a hard time sleeping now, and sleeping in the same bed as her has given me the best sleep in 70 years. The beautiful sleeping girl in my arms is my entire world now.  I hear a small knock on the door. 

"Come in." I say as quietly as possible without waking y/n.

"Hey Buck. I got your message about switching schedules. Is everything okay? I went to your room but you weren't in there." Steve says as he comes in, A concerned look on his face.

"Shhhhh. Don't wake her!" I say. One look at y/n sleeping and the position we are in, makes his face soften. 

"I see. How about I give you the week off also? She shouldn't be alone and you don't really need all of the training. Just promise me that you will be able to keep up once you come back." Steve says, looking at us both. He knows I will be able to keep up. The super soldier serum in my blood makes sure of that. I smile and nod. with one look back at me and y/n, my best friend walks out and quietly shuts the door.

"Hmm Buck?"  Y/n says as she moves more on top of me. I freeze at first and then move with her.

"Yes?" I say. I can tell she isn't fully awake.

"When we get up, do you think we can have crepes? I really want something sweet for breakfast." I chuckle. Even in her sleep, she thinks about food.

"Of course doll. We can have anything you want. I'll make crepes when you get hungry." I say. She smiles sleepily and then snuggles back into my neck. 

"Thanks Buck. You really are the best a girl could ask for." She says as she goes fully back to sleep. My heart skips at her compliment, and then I get comfortable and fall asleep.


After leaving Y/ns room, I chuckle. I am so happy my best friend found someone, but I really wish he would make a move. He is so happy with her. Happier than I ever remember. I smile at the thought that he has a chance to have a normal life after all of these years. He deserves everything good in the world. Despite being happy for Bucky, I can't help but feel slightly jealous. Peggy was the one for me, and I'll never get what he has.

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