But- Gosh Darn It!

502 43 3

Chapter 37

(A/N Video has nothing to do with the chapter I just like it :).)

Jinx's POV:

"Thank you for helping my idiotic self." I say scratching my nape.

"What can I say, I simply love young girls." He says with a smile.

I stare at him with a blank look. "Why... Why would you say that? Im like 13!" Face contorting into one of confusion and slight disgust.

He just starts laughing at my response, or face. I was to busy trying to form a consecutive thought, function is dead.

After a bit I managed to get my brain to work and just ignored Rayleigh, opting to make sure I put everything important on the raft. This is fine. Finishing my check I hear screaming in the back of my brain.

It's probably fine, I don't need- SHIT! Lad!!! "My SON!" I mumble in panic.

With a sudden burst of observation haki, Lad was located. In a box, who packed him away? Ripping the container open I see Lad and some other random item's inside.

Taking him out of the box, my head snaps in the direction of Rayleigh. "Did you put him in the box?" I'm mad.

"No?" He said face contorting in confusion.

Looking down at Lad, I decide to get the answer from the horses mouth. "How did you end up in the box?" I said seriously.

His little eyes look up at me, I sense shame and have become highly intrigued as to what happened. 'I... Fell into the box when you were packing.' The corner of my mouth twitches.

I start blinking rapidly to stop tears from forming in my eyes. It is taking all of my will power to not burst out laughing, like my god. This child fell into a box and was probably stuck in there for a hour. Im dieing.

"I see." I say in a very forced voice.

Looking over to Rayleigh I give I'm the look of 'sorry for assuming'. My breath starts to hich as I set Lad down on the box lid. Turning away from him a wees escapes my throat, followed by what sounds to be a dieing hyena.

Looking over at Rayleigh while I crumple onto the floor, he seemed very confused as to why I was laughing. Or dieing, it's kinda difficult to tell myself in all honesty.

Managing to regain my composure, I stand up straight and act like nothing happened. Ok, just need to make sure the containers are secured to the raft and I'll finally be able to leave this hell of an island.

After triple checking I did everything, I use observation haki to relocate an island I wanted to go to once I left. I've been planning this thing since I gave up looking for my friends, never could pick up there aura...

A small frown forms on my face. Walking to the head of the raft I pick up the front of it, drag it off the grass and onto the red sand. About 4 feet away from the water I drop it and look over to Rayleigh.

"Well... I guess this is goodbye?" I say uncertain as to what he's planning on doing.

His smile broadens. "What do you mean goodbye? Im coming with you!" God, why did you do this?

While my brain processed that, Rayleigh walked over to the raft and started moving it into the water. Realizing that he was leaving without me I clambered onto the raft before it was to late.

Getting onto the raft, Rayleigh tosses me a oar, which hits me in the face. "You need two people to work this thing anyway."

Rubbing my nose, I take hold of the oar and get to my feet. "The nearest island with a civilization is 352 miles that way in South blue. I'm not dealing with the grand line in this rinkeydink raft!" I say with determination pointing in the direction of the island.

Rayleigh side looks over to me. "How do you know which direction South blue is?" This causes me to pause.

"I used haki? I've been planning this for a while." I think I've been using haki weird because he looks confused.

So maybe clarification would help. "I spread my observation out to look for land formations, then I'd zero in on islands to check for life and other things. Like 'does the place have resources?' and 'would they help me if I showed up?'." Making eye contact with him, he seem to be possessing something.

"... Is that not normal? Why you giving me that look? I feel like your plotting something..." Last time I saw that look Garp-sama was about to push me off a cliff, which he did but that's not important.

Realizing what he's doing he quickly composes himself. "Sorry, it's just surprising that you can use observation haki so well. Especially at your age."

Wanting to get back to civilization, I ignore the awkward tension and start rowing in the desired direction. This is gonna take awhile...

"I hope you'll be able to keep up squirt." I send Rayleigh a confused glance.

"Why'd you call me squirt???"

"You never told me your name." He stated simply.

"Fridge! I knew I was forgetting something important." I'm disappointed in myself.

"Keep rowing."

"Right! ...My name is Jinx by the way."

"Dam, did your parents hate you or something?" That kinda hurts.

"Considering they tried to kill me, I'd say yes." I say in a dead tone.

Rayleigh pauses for a moment and looks over at me. "What?!?"

Word count: 937

Why Did I do This to Myself?!? (One Piece Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt